18. I Call BoS

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Danse POV

"Are you sure theres no one else we can go to?"

I asked for the nine hundredth time that afternoon-

"Yes! I'm very very sure Danse- now can you help me look at all these stupid little plaques??? We need to follow the freedom trail!"

She sighed and crouched down by another circle plaque on the floor,


She murmured and stood back up,

"Do you remember the other ones we saw?"

She asked over her shoulder at me and I nodded,

"The last one was 6O and before that was 5R."

She gave me an impressed nod before standing up and continuing walking.

We didnt have to walk much further as we finally found the last plaque on the ground outside an old church,


(Y/N) called to me,

I looked up at the church,


I approached the church and on the wall beside the door was a white painting of a lantern.

"Its a lantern?"

I questioned as I stepped closer,

"We've seen a couple of those through out the trail right?"

(Y/N) asked, looking over my shoulder at the painting.

"Hmmm... if we had to follow the freedom trail to get here... and there were lanterns all the way here... wait... what did the plaque's spell?"

I asked looking at (Y/N), she gave me a confused look before counting on her fingers and mumering the letters.

Then her eyes widened.

"Railroad- it spells Railroad!"

She smiled so wide I couldnt help but smile to.

"Well then... i think we're in the right place."

(Y/N) pushed open the door,

"Crap! Ferals!"

We shot a few rounds and they were all down.

We stepped more into the broken church, the top half had crashed into the bottom room, the only thing looking a little intact was a door off to the side,

It was open just a tiny bit and inside there was a green glow,

"Over there."

(Y/N) said as she pushed open the door,

I looked over her shoulder and saw another white lantern drawn on the wall,

"Let's go."

She said, loading up her gun.

We walked further and further through the tunnels under the church shooting a few ferals,

Finally we reached a dead end and on the wall to our right was a giant wheel with a strange symple in the middle and moving letters around it.

I reached to turn it but she put up a hand, looking smug.

"I've got this!"

She cracked her fingers exageratedly and then began to spin the letters.

Spelling out the word


After she had twisted the last D, she stood back,

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