6. The Boogeyman

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Danse POV

was I happy with the fact we had a synth working this case?


Was I happy (Y/N) was going along with it?


Was I happy she was one step closer to finding her son?

..yeah. I guess so...

(Y/N) and I followed close behind Nick as we all headed back to Diamond City.

It was early morning by the time we got back and the sun was just starting to rise when Nick pushed opentable he door to the agency and I held it open for (Y/N) as we entered behind him.

"Ellie? You here?"

Nick calls and someone comes rushing down the stairs,

Ellie barrels into the main room and stops short, a hand over her mouth.


She says quietly, shocked.

"Oh god! It's really you!"

"Hard to mistake this mug for anyone else."

He says smiling,

"Hmph. You keep laughing at death, someday deaths gonna laugh back."

Ellie warns, joking.

"Not as long as I got a few friends to back me up."

He winks at (Y/N) and I, and she grins, chuckling a little.

He turns around and starts busying himself with files Ellie turns to us.

"You saved Nick, this agency and my job. Thank you."

"Happy to do it."

(Y/N) says with a tight smile that only I seem to be able to pick up on.

"Yeah? Go diving into scary prewar ruins all the time then, do you?"

She jokes,

"Here, I know an amount wasnt on the table when you went out to find him, but you deserve a reward."

She reaches into her pockets and pulls out a small pouch of caps.

"You know, if you're ever looking for work, and dont mind putting on the detective hat, Nick sure could use a new partner."

Ellie says and I stiffen ever so slightly.

Does that mean I get the boot if (Y/N) decides to travel with Nick..?

I glance at (Y/N) for her expression or to see what shes thinking but she just shrugs.

"Woah. One case at a time Ellie! Our new friend needs our help first."

Nick says as he takes a seat at his desk and gestures for (Y/N) to sit down opposite him.

"Alright let's get down to business. Take a seat. Make yourself comfortable."

Nick says,

(Y/N) does as shes told and sits down in the chair, hands balled into fists in her lap and her teeth grinding as I stand beside her.

I dont know if shes trying to hold back tears or shes just plain pissed and inpatient.

"When you're trying to find someones who's gone missing the devil is in the details. Tell me everything you can, no matter how... painful it might be."

I see (Y/N) take a deep breath, chewing her cheek and I place my hand gently on her shoulder,

She looks up at me with glossy eyes and for the first time since we've met she seems... sad... afraid...

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