11. Two Steps Forward...

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We left Fort Hagan,

After walking back to Diamond City and making our way through the market place,

We dashed back to Nicks place and quickly explained everything that happened.

"Alright, I think we should talk to Piper. Shes been following the institutes trail for years."

He starts leading the way out of the place and pulls his coat tighter around him as I give a worried look at Danse.

In return I get a reassuring smile and he gently takes my hand in his,

He ditched the power armour just outside of Nick's place, it was hard for him to manoeuvre around town in it.

With Nick leading the way we all headed over to Pipers home and knocked on the door,


Nat, Pipers little sister, opened the door and looked at the three of us,

Her eyes flitted between Nick, Danse and I.

"Hey, mind if we talk to Piper?"

Nick asked,

She raised her eyebrows suspiciously at Danse then at me before turning back to look at Nick.

"Hmmmm... ok."

She said, giving Danse and I one final look before stepping aside to let us in.

Once the three of us had entered she closed the door behind us and dashed off to a half walled room where she sat on the floor and started pouring imaginary tea for her alien toy.

I couldnt help but smile and image Shaun doing it, sitting there playing tea party.

But I couldn't hold the smile long, remembering that I had most probably missed most of Shaun's childhood.

At the very least I hoped he would be ten...

And even if by some miracle he was still a baby...

He would grow up without Nate.

I quickly tore my eyes away from the little girl and to Piper who was lounging on her couch reading an old copy of her news paper.

She gazed at us from over the newspaper before setting it down on the couch and standing up,

Smiling at Nick she folded her arms and chuckled,

"Well well, Nicky Valentine walked into my office for a change."

She said,

"What can I say, Piper? You, me and bad luck all seem to run together like acid run down an old sewer."

He tipped his hat at her, and winked in a joking manner.

Piper rolled her eyes playfully before growing serious again,

She ran her tounge over her top lip and nodded her head at Danse and I.

"You uh, including your client here in that analogue?"

She says, turning to face Danse and I now.

" So you three are finally letting me in on this little case of yours. What's the story?"

I shrugged, now copying her stance and folding my arms over my chest.

"Where do you want me to start? The part where Kellog turned out to be working for the institute? Or the part where he told me they have Shaun?"

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