13. The Wanderer

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Danse POV

I blinked my eyes rapidly and looked around,

I was sitting on the desk where the coffee pot was.

A cup of coffee was in my hands and I took a sip of it.

I heard the floor boards of the Prydwen creak and I looked up to see (Y/N) in her vault suit without her armour or her shoes.

"Sorry to interrupt-"

While she was talking her voice went weird... like it was muffled and her face went in and out of focus before it cleared up again.

"-so I just wanted to check on you."

I caught the end of her explanation and silently waved her in.

She smiled and poured herself some coffee before sitting down beside me on the desk.

She looked over at me and I turned my head to her,

Her eyebrows furrowed,

"Hmm... did you sleep well last night? Or was it more nightmares?"


I muttered, sighing.

This was only three days after (Y/N) had offically been welcome onto the Prydwen.

She hadnt left my side since.

Whether that be from comfort or from fear I wasnt sure.

She sighed and sipped her drink,

"Well figure this out ok?"

She said, laying her hand on my shoulder and making me look at her.


She called to me, to see if I was listening.

But it sounded off...


She called, she didnt look like she was afraid, but the way her voice broke and became raw when she called my name made me look at her with confusion.


I blinked and that tiny moment that I had my eyes closed changed everything.

When I opened them again I was alone in a the dark, the only light was on me and I couldnt even see where it was coming from.

Then I thought-

That was weeks ago,

What was going on?


I turned and almost stumbled in shock when I saw


My voice sounded small, and tierd when I called his name.

He stepped into the spotlight, his arms crossed like they usually were.

"I expect those reports on my desk by monday."

He says.

Some images flash in my mind,

My going on missions with Krieg, him laughing with me,

Us standing on the bridge together

And then me getting the news he had been killed-

I rubbed my eyes and when I looked up he was gone.

This is what happens most nights, images flashing in my mind and making it impossible to sleep.

Paladin Danse X Reader Where stories live. Discover now