8. My Sanctuary

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Danse and I headed to Sanctuary which was his first time there.

When I walked over the bridge and along the road I could see many new faces,

Preston came over to welcome me with some of the original members of his group.

"You're back! Did you find help in Diamond city?"

He asked, looking from me to Danse.

Sturges came over and looked Danse up and down, seeing the Brotherhoods insignia on his power armour.

"The brotherhood..?"

He asked, giving a confused look to Danse before turning to me.

I shrugged, not sure what to say.

Did I agree with everything the Brotherhood stood for?


Did I need them?


Danse shuffled closer to me, feeling eyes on him as he hesitantly looked around at all the people watching us.

Sturges gave me one last look before huffing and going back to stand beside Preston.

"Well either way, what can we do for you?"

He asks, re-adjusting his hold in his gun.

"We need Dogmeat. We think we know who took Shaun but we need Dogmeat to track him."

I explained and Mama Murphy took my hand and started leading me to my old house.

Danse follows hurriedly, staying right on my heels.

My house has been fixed up a little. It still looks a mess but it seems someone has fixed up the roof and moved in some furniture.

Mama murphy pushes open the door from the kitchen to the yard/porch.

Theres a dog house out back that looks like it's been fixed up.

Inside I see Dogmeat, curled up around an arm bone.

He sees me and perks uo, tail thumping against the walls of his little house.

"Hey buddy."

I smile and he comes running out, sniffing at me.

His tails still wagging when he turns to Danse who looks down at Dogmeat from his power suit.

Dogmeat sniffs at Danse who honestly looks a little worried as he puts out his hand for Dogmeat.

Dogmeat nudges into his hand and I cant help but smile at the two as Danse starts petting and scratching Dogmeat who rolls around, tail wagging.

Mama Murphy came to stand beside me as I stood back up, dusting off my knees and then crossing my arms over my chest.

"He seems like a nice young man."

She tells me, referring to Danse.

I hesitantly nod.

"He is."

She gives me a grin and now I wish I hadnt said anything.

"A friend of yours..?"

She asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I know exactly what shes implying, and I cant stop the blush that creeps up my neck and onto my cheeks.

"Er... yeah. We're friends."

I say as Danse starts giving Dogmeat some belly rubs.

"Just friends?"

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