2. Arcjet Assignment

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I woke up at an unreasonable hour in the morning, my pip-boy read 3:46am.

Looking around I didnt see anyone awake, and when I peered out the broken window, I didn't see a feral or a person in sight.

Sighing, I lay back down on my mattress. A hand under my head as I starred at the ceiling.

All I had to do was help these people and then they would help me. Simple as that.

Before I could get too lost in my depressing thoughts, I saw someone move.

Paladin Danse stood up from his mattress and stretched a little as he reached for his boots.

His power armour was beside his sleeping area and to my surprise he just walked past it and down a hallway.

Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I followed, leaving my boots behind.

I tip toed on the creaking wooden floors, following close behind him.

"...what are you doing awake so early?"

I asked after a minute when I realized he hadn't noticed me.

He jumped a little but after turning around and seeing it was me, relaxed again.

"Nothing. Just walking around."

Lies. I thought to myself as I peered around him into the room he was just about to enter.


I said, side stepping around him and into the office.

There was a prison cell in one corner then cabinets and desks stacked around the room,

When I turned to face him, I crossed my arms and gave a puzzled look.

"I dont belive you were just walking around but- what are you doing in here?"

I asked and he sighed, rolling his eyes and entering the room.

He closed one of the doors and behind it was a small little table with coffee cups on it and a kettle.

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