5. Your Valentine

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The next morning, when I wake up, Danse is still there.

He smiles at me and says good morning before leaving to let me get dressed again.

I pull on my boots and pull my vault suit up over my vest, and then take my rifle and Riotous Authority and leave the room.

I pass Vadim on my way out and hand him my room key, he thanks me and smiles as I leave to go ind Danse who's been waiting for me by the bar.

He smiles at me and after we both thank the bartender we leave and head back to the market so we can ask where Nick is.

But when we got there...

"Dont move synth! What have you done with the real Riley? Wheres my brother?!"

One of the men yelled as he pointed his gun at another man who had his hands raised.

"I swear I'm not a synth! Dont shoot! For gods sake, we're family!"

The man with his hands raised cries,

"Put the gun down! Now!"

One of the diamond city guards yell, moving closer as a crowd starts to gather.

"Hes a synth! He'll kill us all!"

The man with the gun screams,

And then the guard shoots him right in the head.

"Kyle! No!"

The other man cries, falling to his knees beside his brother.

I look at Danse in horror...

"People are... really afraid of synths..."

I say to him and he nods, his eyes never wavering from the corpse on the ground.

"Ok shows over. There are no synths in Diamond city you hear me? Just you folks and your damn paranoia."

The guard huffs, turning to his comrades and shouting orders to clean up the body as the crowd moves on.

I share another bewildered look with Danse before we awkwardly shuffle to Power Noodles.

"Uh excuse-"


The robot says to me and I look at Danse in confusion.

He just shakes his head and pulls me away by my elbow to the hair salon.

We quickly explain we dont need a hair cut and that we're just looking for Nick Valentine.

The man huffs, disappointed we arent costumers but explains how to find the glowing red sign for the agency.

After thanking the man, Danse and I follow his directions to an alleyway where on the left side is the bright red sign with the words

Valentine Detective Agency

In the middle of the glowing heart.

I dont hesitate as I push open the door, a woman has her back to me sorting through files and muttering to herself.

"Excuse me..?"

I said to the woman, and she sighed.

"Another stray coming in front the rain."

She turned around, her shoulders slumped,

"I'm afraid you're too late. Office is closed."

She said unenthusiasticly.

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