Part 1

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WARNING: This story has adult content, inappropriate language, deals with homophobia, suicidal thoughts, abusive people, and more, I would warn you of a chapter that has these things so you would be prepared in case you don't want to read it.

Shelby pov

She grabbed my face connecting our lips once again I didn't want to stop it but I had to, I pulled away

"Toni we have to stop this" I spoke holding my head down playing with my cross necklace

"What?" She asked scrunching her eyebrows looking as if she was confused

"This, us... we have to stop I'm in a perfectly good relationship and I don't want to mess that up" I spoke looking her in the eyes

I watched her bald her lips before speaking

"That's what you want?" She asked looking out the window

I nodded... "yes" I spoke lowly

"DID YOU FORGET WHO STARTED THIS, YOU DID SHELBY" she answered her own question yelling

"Toni I know and I'm sorry that I led you on but it can't go on" I spoke

"You know what fine, fuck you Shelby" she spoke opening the door getting out and making sure she spams it

I rolled down the window... "Toni let me take you home" I spoke


I let the window back up

I put my hands over my head to think


I was crying in the bathroom when someone came in I looked up and realized it was Toni who hated me for some reason, we had the worst relationship. she stared at me as I whipped my face

"What Shalifoe" I asked rolling my eyes looking at her

"What's wrong?" She asked coming to sit by me

"Why? so you can make fun of me?" I asked looking at her

"No because you literally sitting on this nasty ass floor in the bathroom and you're too much of a stuck up bitch for that" she spoke chuckling

"Did you came in here to bother me?" I asked rolling my eyes

"I'm sorry but crying just makes me very uncomfortable" she spoke

"But no, I came to skip first block we have to do partner work and Martha not in that class with me" she spoke

The room grew with silence until she broke it

"You can tell me, I won't make fun of you I promise" she spoke

I looked at her to see she was sincere, I cleared my throat

"I find out Andrew cheated on me with my best friend" I spoke lowly

"How you know?" She asked

"I seen the picture, someone send it to me I don't know who it was, it was from an unknown number" I said

"And you upset why?" She asked causing me to glare at her

"My boyfriend whom I love cheated on me with my bestfriend" I spoke

"Okay? he's a dick anyways celebrate because you don't have to deal with them anymore" she spoke shrugging

"Yeah thanks" I said rolling my eyes

She sighed

"Okay listen, Shelby you are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, you are so kind, you have a great sense of humor, you are everything a guy wants in a girl, you can't let one man tear you down, the Shelby I know stronger than that, and if she was messing with your boyfriend she was not really your friend, drop both of them" she spoke

I stared at her because that's the nicest thing she said to me like ever

We looked into eyes for a few seconds before I grabbed her faced and crashed my lips against hers

I pulled away

"Oh I- I'm sorry I- I didn't mean to you know" I stuttered as she chuckled

"It's okay" she spoke pulling me back in for another kiss

Flackback over

I started the car and left and went home

Toni pov

What a selfish bitch, how could I let this happen I knew I was a rebound from Andrew but I didn't care and now look what done happen. I feel stupid for even getting too close to her

But fuck her, that sneaking around shit we was doing wasn't worth it anyways

I walked in Martha's house as she sat on the couch

"Where have you been Toni I was looking everywhere for you, I been calling you none stop" Martha spoke

"Um sorry I was shooting some hoops with some of the teammates and lost track of time, and I left my phone here" I lied

"All the places you go to shoot close because it's a Sunday and I called your teammates and they said they haven't seen you" she spoke with her hand on her hip

"Gosh Marty, you're checking up on me now? I don't need you to do that" I spoke stomping my way upstairs

I took off my shoes and picked out a long t shirt with some gym shorts

I grabbed a towel and a rag and took a quick lil shower

After 20 minutes I got out and put on my clothes and laid down in the bed

a soft knock happen on the door and before I could even say come in Martha came in and sat on the bed

"Toni I'm sorry I checked up on you it's just that I get worried about you- she spoke causing me to stop her

"Don't worry about me I'm perfectly fine, I'm not a ticking bomb ready to explode" I spoke

"That's not what I said Toni, it's just sometimes you get in these really bad moods and you disappear for weeks or months without telling me anything or even speaking to me and I just don't want you to do that anymore, it scares me" she spoke playing with her undone nails

I sighed

"Look Martha I know sometimes I can be difficult and hard to keep up with, but you got to understand you know my life and what I went through and I can't get away no matter how hard I try, it's like my pass just follows me everywhere, and sometimes I got to get away and just clear my head, sometimes it take days, sometimes it takes weeks or months, but just know Martha ima always come back to you" I spoke grabbing her hand

She smiled while tears rolled down from her face

"Oh my gosh you crying" I spoke chuckling

"I can't help it" she spoke wiping her tears while laughing

"It's too easy with you" I spoke hugging her while smiling

"You know crying makes me very uncomfortable" I spoke

"I know I'm sorry" she spoke chuckling causing me to shake my head and smile

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