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Dej POV.

Well it's been 3 weeks since i asked Rose to date me. and we've been acting more lovey dovey. i mean we be hugging and kissing n shit.

But uh today's the day i'm meeting Rose's mother. She said she's from Memphis but when Rose moved out she moved to Kansas. And is quite successful. From what Rose is describing to me.

Anyways we decided to take her car and we head off. From texas to Kansas is 7 hours . so we gonna spilt the driving time.

She drives first which is fine by me. but damn she looks so good driving. i wanna ride her fingers while she's driving but i don't want her to crash. just cause she look good don't mean she drive good.


Rose gets hungry so we stop at a IHOP to eat. we eat and head back on the road. While driving it starts to get dark and then She places her hand on my thigh. and starts giving me looks. making me more wet. she. pulls up to an luxury hotel but i ain't know we was stopping at it. however it's nice asf.

Rose- "I forgot to tell you i ain't driving these dark roads at night so yeah.we stopping here but we like 4 hours away so when we wake up you driving."

Dej- "Right okay"

We walk in Rose And i go up the elevator to our hotel. and it's nice asf like a mini penthouse. Big ass balcony. Nice ass bathrooms big ass bed big ass Tv.

Rose goes straight to the bathroom and i hear the shower turn on. All i can think about is her being on top of me making my toes curl and yeah.

Rose comes out the shower. in just a towel and starts to put on lotion.

I just admire her body. Like damn shorty df why you so fine.

Rose- "Okay damn niggas can't even put on lotion"

Dej- "My fault, My fault. It's just that you fine fine."

Rose- "If you want some strap just say that"

Dej- "I want sum else than strap"

Rose- "Oh you want to scissor?"

Dej- "I mean yeah."

Rose- "Always wanna be difficult n shit. Alright take off your clothes"

I do as Rose says and take off all my shit.

Me and Rose start to kiss and she drops her towel.

We get in the position and we start doing it. I ain't gonna lie this shit mad complicated. Legs all together n shit. But we making it work

I start to moan and Rose does the same. I guess we feeling the same thing.

Rose starts to move faster and I move with her.

After awhile We end up cumming.

Then Rose takes another shower with me.

Once we get out the shower.

We lay together. I feel on her body. She's so muscular.

I guess my touch puts her to sleep and so i end up doing the same falling asleep with her.

However this doesn't last for long because Rose decides to wake up and start kissing me.

Dej- Fuck is you doing?
Rose- you made me feel like a bitch earlier. I'm finna eat you out.

I ain't complaining.

She goes down there and starts Eating me like she ain't never ate before.

I mean she making my toes curl. I'm reaching other worlds n shit.

After she's done. She comes back up and kisses me.

Rose- Aight. I'm good now. Heading back to sleep.

my half deadass gives her a thumbs up.

and go back to sleep.


I updated all my books today 🦦. Now let me go back in hibernation.

Kidding kidding. But y'all gotta give a nigga some time. You rush this process this shit gonna ass so let me do my thing.

Aight? Aight

Anyways y'all have a good ass day or night.

Don't take shit from nobody and don't look like a bitch.

You a real ass nigga. 💯 Don't let anyone tell you different and if they do say sum.  They probably dirty asf.

Anyways i'm out 😎

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