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Dej pov

I wake up and Rose is still laying on top of me.

Dej- Rose get off me.

Rose- you gotta go to work?

Dej- no but I wanna get in my bed.

Rose just gets more comfortable in my arms.

See now I'm getting irritated.

Dej- Rose you got 10 seconds to get off me.

Rose- nah you don't even gotta count I'll get up.

Dej- don't worry I'll be back.

I start to do my daily routine and head out.


I hate this job because I hate people however they pay good so..

Anyways I do the same work like I do everyday dealing with the same shit anyways.

I decided to look at my phone and see 50 messages.

Shit I ain't in no group chat so wtf is this shit.

All from Rose see she really got me fucked up.

Ight I continue to work until my break. 

I guess I must've did something not normal because Alex had something to say.

Alex- damn you good homie.

Dej- I'm coolin. But can I ask you for a favor?

Alex- yeah what is it?

Dej- can you cover the rest of my shift.

Alex- yeah.

Dej- I appreciate you.

I get back home and Rose is in her room.

She must still be sleep.

I  take off my shoes and get in her bed.

Rose- nigga I know you you don't have clothes on and you in my bed.

Dej- shhh

Rose- nah bruh take that shit off


Right here is the part where I pull an black dad

In other words It's over.

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