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Rose Pov

I wake up in Dej's bed after our eventful night. I see she's still sleeping so I slowly get out of her bed and walk to my room. I do my morning routine and after i'm finished Dej is up moving around in the kitchen.

Rose- "Look who's finally up."
I yell from my room just loud enough for her to hear me and she does this loud ass sigh.

I walk from my room and into the kitchen.
Rose- "Do you have work today?"
Dej- "No"
Rose- "Good that means you can tag along with me today."

Dej gives me a concerned look

Dej- "What do you have planned today?"

I laugh.
Rose- "Today we are looking at houses."

Dej-"We? Who agreed to this? Because it damn sure wasn't me"

Rose-"you sure do have a lot to say when you aren't getting fucked."

Dej-"Bitch shut up. like your strap not even that fucking good."

Rose-"Bitch you must be crazy. if you don't like it another hoe will what the fuck."

Dej- "Don't get loud with me. You in your feelings over a fake dick."

This bitch pissing me off.

Rose- "Look shorty. we going ok? I don't give a fuck if you didn't agree. I said so. what the fuck."

Dej looks at me and doesn't say anything. she just walks back to her room then i hear the shower starting.


After Dej is ready we get in my car and go to the first house.
We get there a little early than we are supposed.

Dej sighs.

Imma fuck this bitch up i swear to god or she can fuck me up. either way this strap finna go in someone and it's coming out their throat.

The realtor comes and me and Dej get out. Dej looks at her a little odd not sexually but just odd.

The realtor showing us the house. Good house. nice ass neighborhood. Lots of bedrooms lots of space. However Dej keeps looking at this bitch. Getting me mad lowkey.

We finishing looking at the house and The realtor has my number. So I walk by to the car but Dej stays in the house for a bit. Then walks out

That's weird......

Me and Dej get back home and i don't know A nigga get to thinking.
Why was Dej staying back?
Does she know this bitch? If she do know her why she ain't say shit?
Is there something i should know?
Well one way or another i'll get my answer....

I go into Dej room playing it cool. like i usually do. Obviously she follows because it's her room. She turns on the Tv and starts undressing. I watch her.

Dej sees me looking but I guess she has the same idea as me.

She lays next to me in her bed and we start kissing. But I take control because I want my answers the hell.
I start kissing her face and then move to her neck slowly rubbing my hands across her body.

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