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Dej pov

Dej- nah I'm good imma go to sleep right here.

Rose- No df you not. Not in my bed smelling like hard working dyke.

Dej- hard working dyke?

Rose- yeah.

Dej- the disrespect. Ight I'll take a shower.

Rose- good.

Dej- I wasn't done speaking.

Rose just looks at me.

Dej- only if you shower with me.

Rose- that's it?

Dej- yeah.

Rose- that's all I gotta do to stop smelling the hard working dyke fumes.

Dej- aye bruh I don't smell like that. So yes or no.

Rose- fine.

I get off her bed and she starts following me.

I go into my bathroom and turn on the shower.

Dej- Rose come on or ill will glady walk back into your bed.

Rose walks into my bathroom

I start taking my clothes off and Rose just looks at me.

Dej- Earth to Rose hurry up.

She starts taking off her clothes and we both get into the shower.

Rose- nigga this water mad cold fuck wrong with you.

Dej- nah you tweaking the water feel good.

Rose starts to turn the temperature.

Dej- you fucking demon this shit hot asf.

Rose- wait you fucking virgin skin it's gonna start feeling good.

Dej- bitch I know I'm going to hell but shit this water mad hot.

I try to change it but rose ends up kissing me.

She moves from my lips to my jaw line.

At this point I'm melting. Shorty got me in this hot ass water and then she kissing me.

I start trying to back up and end up hitting the wall.

Rose starts to grin

She looks at me and starts rubbing on my clit.

I try to contain my moans but then she sticks her fingers inside of me and starts going at a steady pace. 

I start moaning and she starts going faster.

I feel my eyes start to roll to the back of my head.

Dej- fuck imma cum

She starts going faster and I end up cumming

And then you know we actually end up putting soap on are body's.

We get out and start putting lotion on n shit.

And I put my clothes on and Rose goes into her room and puts something on.

I go into her room and lay on her bed. Shes watching some shit. And starts grabbing my ass.

Rose- damn Dej you highkey thick.

Dej- bruh shut your gay ass up.

Rose- nah you wasn't telling me to shut up when I had you moaning.

Dej- you  know what?

Rose- what?

Dej- imma fuck the shit outta you and I ain't gonna stop.

Rose- Shit bet that up.

Dej- You sure?

Rose- Listen you can fuck the shit out of me but I'm positive I'll have you being hella submissive towards me.

Dej- Ight bet that up.


Ight this is that and that is this.

Y'all better not ask for shit else today.

Anyways bye  whores

Šex addict (stud4stud)Where stories live. Discover now