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Rose POV

I wake up and Dej isn't there. Tragic

But it gives me time to think.

At this point all we do is fuck. Is it fun? Yes however I think I should do something nice. Yeah that's what I'm going to do.

Its call Le Bilboquet.  A favorite of mine. Actually

Anyways I reserve a table for 2 and for it to be at 8.

I finally get out of my bed do my daily routine.

By the time I'm done with everything. I get a call from my Cousin.

She ask me to come over and since I don't have nothing to do I say I'm heading over there.

I arrive at Chyna's house.

And we chill, play 2k she offers me some smoke but I decline.

I finally text Dej and ask what time she gets off work she says 6 so we good.

I stay at my cousin till 4 and head back home.

I get ready and put something semi casual. And wait on the couch for Dej to come.


I hear her come through the door and she looks at me like I'm crazy.

Dej- why you right there.

Rose- Um because I live here. Anyways get ready

Dej- ready for what.

Rose- where I'm taking you.

Dej- well where you taking me.

Rose- don't worry bout it however hop in the shower and wear something presentable.

Dej- Shit alright.

She hops in the shower and by the time she's done it's 7:00

Dej put on a decent outfit. and we head out.

We get to the restaurant order food. Do what it do. The night was fun until I saw my ugly ass ex with this old ass white nigga.

So We continue to enjoy the night until this bitch decides she wants to say something to me.

Std ex- I see you on that gay shit.

Rose- Duhh bitch im gay. However i see you on that straight shit did you get them diseases checked out?

Std ex- Fuck you.
Rose- No I must decline. You burning and i shall not endure that experience.

my ex walks away. And the lady comes with the ticket. I pay in cash and we head out.

i start driving to my favorite place  this rooftop in downtown.

Anyways we get there and we start climbing up the stairs Dej starts getting tired but we eventually make it to the top.

We finally get up there and we start stargazing yk real gay shit.

Dej-You gay.
Rose- Duhh bitch ain't we all
Dej- nah like you real life gay taking me on dates and shit faggot.
Rose- Damn ight.

We end up making eye contact for awhile before she grabs my throat and starts kissing me.

Aggressive ass sloppy ass kiss.

She ends up trying to put her hand in my pants but i stop her.

Rose- Not on no rooftop but we can do it in the stairway.

We go back into the stairway and start kissing again. and she puts her hands in my pants finding her way to my entrance.

She plays with my clit for a little bit going in circular motions.
before entering me.

but when she does she goes slowly while making eye contact.
I bite my lip and she makes this face laughs and starts going fast.

While going faster and curling up her fingers she hits my g spot and my body tries to go weak but since i'm a real ass nigga i take that shit.

Anyways after that i end up coming on her hands and she takes out her fingers. putting them in her mouth and sucking my juices off of her

Dej- damn you taste good asf.

i try to walk back the stairway but my legs go weak and Dej has to carry me on her back down the stairs.

She drives my car back to the house because dumb ass bitch made my legs weak n shit but it's all good.


🧍🏾‍♂️ hey y'all.

how y'all doing? 👁👁

no i didn't die.
i was hibernating

but ig i'm back now 😌

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