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Dej Pov.
I wake up to Rose singing
She sound trash asf but it's okay.

Dej- Nigga why is it dark outside and why are you singing.
Rose- "Cause the early bird gets the worm. So get your bum ass up"

I get up and start getting ready. Brushing my teeth and washing my face and changing out my clothes and all that.

Me and Rose walk out the hotel without getting breakfast. Lowkey sad but her mom cooking. So hopefully it's good.

Anyways we get in the car and start driving I fall back asleep.


Rose taps on my shoulder.
Rose- "Nigga get up Tryna keep my mom waiting n shit."

I get out the car and walk up to this big ass mansion.

Dej- You rich bitch.
Rose- Pardon?
Dej- You heard me you rich hoe.
Rose- Hush you peasant.
Dej- Disrespectful ass. You lucky I'm into your rich ass. Spoiled ass.
Rose- Imma beat your ass.

Rose knocks on the door. And her fine ass mama opens the Door. She looks like Rose but feminine. and fit asf. Like damn I don't even want Rose no more. I want the mama.

Rose- "Hey mama Can we come in?"

Roses Mother- "You don't even have to ask. Just make sure you take your shoes off at the door. You know i don't play that shit."

Rose- "Yes ma'am".

Roses Mother- Who is this guest that you bring to my home.

Rose- A friend.
Roses Mother- I thought I told you that I know when you lie. Besides if it was just a friend she wouldn't be in my home right now.

Rose- True True.

Roses mother Then faces me before speaking.

Rose's Mother- Well Anyone who was able to be in my home must be very special. I am Charlotte Jackson. But Just Call me Ms. Jackson. Are y'all hungry?

Rose- Yes.

Ms Jackson- I'll have my chef make something.

Ms Jackson claps her hands and I hear rustling in the kitchen.

Sooner or later we are at this table eating a bomb ass breakfast.

French Toast, Eggs, Hashbrowns.

Ms Jackson- So What is your name?

Dej- Dej

Ms Jackson- Interesting so what do you do Ms. Dej
Dej- Well I do have an degree, However I work at Walmart for now.

Ms. Jackson- At least you have an degree.

We continue to eat until Rose's Mother Goes on her jog and Rose takes me to her room.

It's pretty bland. But it's still nice.

Rose Lays back on her bed stares at her ceiling.

Rose- Wanna fuck?

Dej- Where you used to fuck other bitches? I don't think so

Rose- Sit  your ass back.

I sit down. Rose Turns on her Tv and turns it up to an decent sound level.

We start to kiss and She starts to move her hand near my thighs. Slowly rubbing  on my thighs. She grips my thighs while biting my lips softly coming near my waist to insert her hand into my pants. While Doing that she ends up pulling my pants down to have an easier way with her actions.

Do i mind? No

As soon as she gets to pulling on my boxers. We hear a bang at the door.

Rose pulls back from her kissing me and yells who is it. The voice on the other side of the room says. Nigga you know who it is and continues to bang on the door.

I pull up my pants and act like I'm watching tv.

Rose opens the door. It's this boy Not young around 16 or 17.

Rose- Nigga what do you want.

Random Teen- It's like that. I want to go to the store.
Rose- Then go.
Random teen- I don't have a license.
Rose- Then have 1 of the wokers drive you.
Random Teen- Nah i want you to drive.
Rose- You Little ass kid. Come on Dej we driving to the store.
Random teen starts to talk to me.

Random- Dej cool name. I'm Red. Nice to meet you.

Dej- Your name is red?
Rose- Yes his name is Red. Like the fucking color.

Anyways we get to this huge garage and it has hella cars.

Rose Walks up to The BMW i8 and Red Gets in the back letting me sit in the front.

Rose- What store.

Red- Target. Obviously

We get back from Target. Red Has hella shit for no damn reason.

Me and Rose Start to go back into her Room.

At this point hella shit done went on. I don't understand. But whatever me and her will talk about it later......


Hey y'all 😩. How y'all doing?

How them grades? 🧐 So y'all want updates but y'all grades ass? Oh okay. Bet Bet

I have no room to talk tho cause your girl failing english. But it don't matter.

Anyways. I'm working on a new book. It will be pre written so i can just upload and drop shit. It'll come after this book and All the other books that are unfinished.

Aight niggas peace out. Don't let nobody treat you like  you a bitch on foe nem grave. 💯

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