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Rose POV.

It's been a few days after that night. And Dej been giving me the silent treatment.

Even the drive home she ain't say shit to me.  To be fair I should've been straight up with her about who I've fucked. I didn't see it as a big deal but this silent treatment hurts.

I hear her come back into the apartment after work. So I give her a few minutes to settle down and then I walk to her door and knock on it.

I start to speak. "Dej can I talk to you?" She looks at me for a good minute sighs and then says "go ahead."
"Dej I'm sorry" Dej looks at me and then rolls her eyes. "For?" She says. I respond "For what I did when we went to visit my family." 

Dej looks at me and laughs before she starts to speak.

 "You're right you are sorry and trifling as fuck. The fact that you had the fucking audacity to even consider fucking the bitch and don't even try to say you weren't because you were. Then at the end of the day you lied to me. Like what even is the point Rose. Me and you have excellent sex but Bitch I am attached to you. So I don't know what type of hoe you have in you but Rose if you want want to fuck multiple bitches by all means let me know so I can exit" 

"Dej I want to be with you. In that moment I was having a sign of weakness. I promise it wont happen again. I love you on some real shit." I say

Dej looks at me with a doubtful look in her face. 

"well show it because their won't be a next time" she says.  

I try to go in for a hug but she pushes me away. 

"Aht Aht bitch I ain't easy so get the fuck out my room and go do something with your life." Dej says. 

I walk out her room and go back to my room.


It's around 2 am and I'm chilling in my room watching Brickleberry n shit.

Then I hear a knock at my door. 

"Come in" I say and Dej walks in. 

She comes in my bed and starts to hug on me. 

"You good?" 

Dej sighs "You always fucking up a moment" 

Dej  tries to get up out my bed but I hold her back. 

"No stay with me" I say and she stays(as she should) 

Around 30 minutes  later

Me and  Dej start kissing. She getting real aggressive and dominant. So I give in and let her overpower me. 

She then rubs on my stomach and makes her way to Ariel. 

She takes off my Shorts and boxers. Then she starts to rub up and down against my slit. 
She pulls out of our make out session. 

"Damn you wet as fuck" she says before starting to kiss me again. She goes in circular motions around my clit before finding her way to my entrance. 

She goes inside me and I gasp. she continually   hits my g-spot making my toes curl every time she hits it. she breaks from our kiss to look me in my eyes. 

Anytime I look away she grabs my face and says "Don't stop looking at me"

Once I finally listen she calls me a "Good girl"

After a few more minutes of hitting my g-spot I cum. 

 Dej looks at me before speaking "I hate you but I love you" 

"I love you too" I say


Yall fuck with this writing style or should I go back to My OG one?

Yall think Dej should get her lick back?

Yall think Rose deserves a second chance fr. 

Tell me how yall feel ig.

aight im out 

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