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Rose pov

Sigh I'm in a fucking hotel room with my ex.

Nae- listen I'm sorry.

Rose- sorry for what?

Nae- cheating

Rose-  you cheated multiple times. With multiple people. Making me look dumb. Whole Memphis know what you got going on.

Nae- listen I'm sorry.

She starts walking up to where I'm sitting and sits on my lap.

Nae- let me make it up.

She tries to starts to kissing on me. But I push her off me.

Rose- nah I don't want that shit.

Nae- you know what that's why your cousin got a better stroke game than you.

Rose- that's why my cousin got a couple of std's

I walk out the hotel room and back to my car.

I drive back to my apartment.  And walk straight to my room. I take a shower and do my night routine.

I walk to Dej's door. And knock on it

Dej claps before opening it.

Dej- *clears throat* yes

Rose- nigga let me in.

She opens it fully and I walk over to a chair in her room.

Dej- wassup

Rose- what's happened with you and your ex.

Dej- like my real ex or the last person I fucked.

Rose- your real ex

Dej- well she is living life I think. I don't really pay attention to her anymore.

Rose- why?

Dej- well she had low vibrations and I can't do that.

Rose- so you just left.

Dej- she ain't cheat or nothing. She just wanted to party all the time and that's the problem

Rose- I see

Dej- why you ask?

Rose- well I left to see my ex. She cheated so many times. And think sex gonna make me forget all that shit.

Dej- damn that's crazy females wild.

Rose- Dej why you was sitting in the dark anyway.

Dej- um mind the business that pays you.

Rose- you was doing something.

Dej- nah I was coolin bruh. Just coolin

Rose- Ight nigga well lemme lay with you.

Dej- well you not drunk. So yeah.

Rose- Ight.

I stand up and walk over to her bed.

Dej claps to turn back off her lights.

I wait till she falls asleep. And admire her looks.

She looks nice and breathes softly when she's sleep.

I need to get on her level. "Low vibrations"  never even heard them words.

Obviously she is reaching her higher self.

Well at the same time. She drinks a lot but I'm not here to judge. I use my arm to wrap around her and she hugs it.


I wake up and hear slight moaning.

I tap Dej but she's still sleep but she's moaning.

Dej- fuck

I tap her some more and she jumps.

Dej- Aye say fuck you doing in my bed.

Rose- nigga calm your ass down

Dej- I'm cool

Rose- yeah what was you dreaming bout though.

Dej- mind the business that pays you.

Rose- Ight nigga just quit moaning loud.

Dej hits me with a pillow.

And I take that hit like a real nigga and go to bed.


Ight folks I had to write it like this for future updates.


Fuck yo thoughts fuck nigga

Šex addict (stud4stud)Where stories live. Discover now