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Me and Alex been talking about this date thing and I still ain't tell Rose shit.

I've lowkey been avoiding her cause I don't know what the rest is...

She could be tryna make me crippled and I need my legs. So that's what we not gonna do.

Or maybe she tryna fold me up and fuck the shit out of me

Yeah no.

I hear my phone ding n shit and I look at it.

📱Messages 📱

Alex- You know what today is?

Dej- No

Alex- well that's crazy however today's the day I get my date

Dej- mhm

Alex- yeah so if you scroll up you'll see the time and the place

Dej- 😐


I don't have work today.

I take off my durag.

Sheesh it's time for a haircut.

I walk in Rose's room and she's sleep.

Dej- Rose

Rose- df you want

Dej- I need you to cut my hair

Rose- bitch I'm sleep so get the fuck.

Dej-  so you gonna cut it later then.

Rose- for sure

Dej-You betta cut it

Rose goes back to snoring and I look on my phone to pass time.


Rose wakes up and starts sneezing.

Dej- df don't come over here with that bs.

Rose- first of all I got allergies second of all this dusty ass house making them act up.

Dej- ok nigga clean it then.

Rose- nah nigga you clean it.

Dej- anyways fuck nigga, you cutting my hair.

Rose- I guess I can lemme get my clippers.

Dej- Ight bet

I sit on this chair and she comes out with the clippers and other essentials.

Rose- Ight what you want

Dej- a drop fade.

Rose- well take the durag off

I take it off and Rose facial expression changes.

Rose- df that's under your durag.

Dej- yeah.

Rose- sheesh this cut is over due.

She starts cutting my hair contracting on the fade but when she gets to the edge up I can't help but look at her.

Rose- bro if I laugh imma push your cut back.

So I just close my eyes. I feel her spraying some shit on my head so I open them

Dej- df you spraying.

Rose- just some shit that makes your edge up pop. But I got a question?

Dej- speak your mind

Rose- why you want a haircut now.

Dej- funny you ask. Well I'm going on a date.

Rose- oh so we going on a date.

Dej- nigga You wasn't invited.

Rose- okay however I wanna come df.

Dej- but you wasn't invited

Rose- don't care don't care. Tell them you bringing a plus one.

Dej- but

Rose starts picking up her things getting ready to leave.


Ight so there this the part I truly ain't really wanna write but I did anyway

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