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Dej Pov
Currently Sore asf. Rose be fucking me like she doesn't have any sense.
I try to get up and go pee but Rose has me snuggled up.

Rose- "Why you doing all the moving. You don't want to stay in bed with me?"
Dej- "I do want to stay but i'm not tryna have a UTI by staying in bed with you."

I remove Rose's grasp from around my Body and go to the bathroom. Rose follows me.

Dej-"A nigga can never get a break from you."

Rose-"Baby this my bathroom. You pissing in my shit."

Rose starts to look in the mirror examining  herself. Not gonna cap she looking good asf. Rose grabs her toothbrush and starts brushing her teeth. 

Rose- "I wanna meet your family today."

Dej- "Huh??? You wanna do what."

Rose-" I want to meet your family. I wanna know where you came from and who raised you n shit."

I finish peeing and wiping. Flush the toilet and  wash my hands. 

Dej- "I mean my family isn't the best. But i'll let you meet them."

Rose smiles and continues brushing her teeth. I walk out her bathroom and go to mine. The thing is I don't know how my family will react to me having relations with a stud. Another masculine woman. My parents barely can accept the fact that I like women but let them hear I like another girl they'll flip the fuck out. 

But I don't know. Rose makes me feel different. Like protected. we'll see. 

I do my morning routine and walk out in some comfy clothing. I walk out and wait on the couch for Rose. When she comes back She look all professional and shit. Smelling good. 

Rose- "You ready?"

Dej-"I hope so."

Rose- "Okay but we need to make a quick stop I need to grab my other car."

When the fuck did she get another car. Rich hoe shit I guess. 



This hoe takes me to a garage with hella cars all expensive shit too. We park and we walk up to this maserati. All white with the peanut butter interior. 

She sure is doing the most for my family. 

We get in and I put in the address to my household. Rose is driving looking like a snack like always. We get to my old neighborhood and she parks in the driveway to my house.

We walk to the door and I take a deep breath before knocking. My sister Dakota answers.

Dej- "Hi Dakota where is mom and dad?"

Dakota- "Mom is in the kitchen and Dad is in the garage. Why are you here and why is there a nice car in the driveway."

Rose looks at me but I just ignore her and walk past Dakota. 

Dej- "Mom I need you to meet someone."

My mother walks from the kitchen and looks at me. Not as mad as she usually is. 

Rose walks up next to me not giving Rose an hateful look but more like surprised. 

Dej-" Mom this is Rose she is my girlfriend."

Rose reaches out and shakes my moms hand. 

My mom starts to speak. 

Mom- "Is she rich?"

Dej- She's well off. 

My mom looks at me. 

Mom- Well you finally decide to stop by. Is that all you wanted to come by and disrespect my household?

See now im pissed off. 

Dej- If it was up to me . I wouldn't come back to this raggedy place. You and dad always single me out because Im gay. Whole time my brother a whole coke addict and he comes back with welcomed arms. You should be proud of me tho. I got my own place and I don't ask you for shit. Never a day in my fucking life.

My mom just looks at me. I walk out and Rose follows me. 

Rose looks at me and starts laughing. 

Dej- "Don't fucking start."

Rose- "I'm sorry I didn't know that your relationship with your family was like that.'

She starts digging in her pocket. 

Rose- The reason I wanted to meet them was because I wanted to make sure I can give you this.

I look up and its a big ass diamond ring. 

Dej- Rose you want to marry me?

Rose- Well I do but you have to do one more thing....

To be continued 


Cute shit cute shit. 

Finally wrote be proud of me. 

uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. 

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