Chapter Twelve (The Truth or More Fabrications?)

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Kokichi's p.o.v

The sun was hardly shining through the windows almost as if to mark that today was a dreary day, or maybe the clouds were also mourning Megan's death.

That was a weird thought.

Clouds can't mourn the death of a highschool girl.

So tomorrow at 9:15 I need to see you in the principal's office.

The text sat there, ever since Shuichi had texted me yesterday.

I was almost afraid to open the text and reply, all I did was left in there.

So basically I left Shuichi on red.

Megan was murdered.

My mind was racing, sure I didn't like her, she was annoying and even blackmailed me, but wanting her dead? I may have thought of it, but I never figured she would end up as she did.

Megan's murder was all over the news, it made sense.

This is a small town so something like this is new to most people.

Of course the news hadn't released any information about how she died, I suppose the school or even the detectives wanted to keep it private information.

I wasn't going to go ask Shuichi, well not at the moment.

Not until suspicion is off of me, I'm not an idiot. I have the clearest motive therefore, I would be the prime suspect.

With that morbid thought in my head, I grabbed my backpack and walked down the stairs. In the kitchen Ranatro was cleaning the table, he looked up and spotted me before placing down the wet rag, "Oh Kokichi you're awake." He whispered as if he was afraid to break the silence in the room.

Shuichi was sitting down on the reading chair sipping his coffee in silence, his eyes met mine before he looked down at the floor.

How awkward.

This wasn't the nice peaceful silence you would like to hear in the morning.

Instead, the room was filled with anxiety and unwanted thoughts buzzing through our heads. I wanted to make a joke, steal Shuichi's hat and make fun of him for being emo to lighten the mood, but with all types of emotions coursing through my body I didn't have the motivation to even try.

Shuichi stood up and walked into the kitchen before placing the cup in the sink, breaking the silence for just a moment before he walked past me without a word, and headed upstairs.

Rantaro watched as he walked up the stairs before sighing and beginning to clean Shuichi's mug.

Rantaro's eyes met mine and opened his mouth for a moment before closing it and going back to cleaning the few dishes.

We were waiting for the other to finally say the first word.

My phone buzzed suddenly, giving me a momentary distraction. It was just a notification from Twitter, I would look at it later.

Looking back up, Ranatro had placed a plate of waffles in front of the chair I sat in, a few moments later he broke the silence after noticing I wasn't going to say the first-word "Breakfast is ready, Kokichi."

Nodding, I headed over to the table, my mind racing with every step.

I hadn't thought, Megan's murder would affect me this much

Trying to act as if I wasn't so bothered, I ate the waffles as fast as I normally do before sitting down on the couch and flicking on the tv.

That was a dumb idea.

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