Chapter Four (Things arn't all that different)

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Rantaro's p.o.v

I had stepped out of the classroom, to go to work when I heard Shuchi call my name. I turned and saw him rushing over, he looked annoyed before stopping in front of me. "Can you believe what Kokichi said to me about Megan? He says he's dating her because he thinks it's nice someone loves him. He doesn't even like her."

"Uh, okay? Why does it bother you, it's not our business if he has a girlfriend." Honestly, I knew where Shuichi was coming from, dating a girl because she likes you,, and not having feelings for her was a dick move.

He shook his head "I never thought that he would sink that low! I mean I know he said he wanted someone to love him but this is dumb. As much as I don't like Megan, she doesn't deserve something like that." He sighed before continuing.

"I'm overthinking it, aren't I? I feel like there is something we don't know and their relationship has something to do with it." He looked troubled so I decided to weigh the idea to give him some perspective.

"Okay, let's say there is something that the two are planning and the relationship is part of it, what even is their plan? I highly doubt it's anything bad, probably just some rumors being spread right? It's highschool who cares what a bunch of insecure teens say."

He frowned, still looking puzzled. "I can't put my finger on it but, something about their relationship rings all the wrong bells in my head."

I sighed, maybe this suggestion would get Shiuchi a bit upset with me but it was the only thing I could think of. "Shuichi, don't take this the wrong way, but I think you might be jealous of Megan, and Kokichi."

His eyes widened before he stuttered. "J-Jealous? I don't think I could be jealous of a relationship built on lies." He sighed before looking in my eyes and smiling sadly. "Well, I guess I just don't understand it, but... your right, it's his life."

He smiled again this time not looking so sad before turning away. "I'm overthinking the whole thing, it's okay. Sorry to bother you."

"Wait, Shuichi, you didn't bother me, listen if there is anything you or Kokichi want to talk about I'll listen, that's what friends are for right?" I asked holding out my hand gaining a laugh and a handshake.

"Yeah, that's what friends are for, sorry, I guess my negativity got the best of me for a moment, I'll see you when you get home." I watched as he headed back to his classroom.

Before I had left the school my phone chimed, picking it up I saw it was a text from Kokichi.

Hey, after work can you take me to the mall?

Why me? Couldn't his girlfriend take him Why?

A few moments he responded Shuchi seemed mad at me so I was going to buy him that Fall Out Boy sweater he wanted.

I sighed sending another message and walking toward my car. Giving him a gift isn't going to fix everything.

I'm going to apologize too, just I think it would help show that I'm sorry if I got him the sweater.

I couldn't help but smile, it was really sweet of him, I wonder if Megan mentioned that a gift would help so I responded again. Sure, meet me at the cafe at the end of my shift.

Thank you so much Amami. You're the best roommate!

I laughed softly before sending another text and turning my phone on silent so I could drive. Liar Shuchi is your favorite roommate. I know that. Also putting the phone on silent so I can drive.

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