Pointless headcanons, Also some parts I didn't include.

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IDk, just felt like writing them.

Kokichi uses a game shark and hacks shiny pokemon into the game just to send to ten-year-olds in wonder trades.

Shuichi has a bunch of old detective novels from the 70's that he just has on a bookshelf because he read them all as a child because of his uncle.

Ranatro had a cat named Rae, which is where he got the name for when he's female.

Mikan has different lotions and epson salts in her bathroom because she likes the smells.

Kyoko secretly likes old detective films, but she pretends not to because she can solve the mystery in the first ten minutes. 

This isn't really a head cannon, but it's something I left out of the story because it didn't really fit anywhere. On a rainy day after work, Makoto ends up convincing Kyoko to walk in the rain and splash in puddles, and it just kinda turns into their own parody dance from Singing In The Rain.( I might write it sometime)

Nagito had never seen a Disney movie until he met Hajime, who then forced him to watch almost all of the Disney classics, and his favorite is The Hunchback From Noutredam. 

Maki likes to go to weapon shops and tell people about the weapons and help people pick out what they think would be the best self-defense weapon for them. (She won't admit to this though)

Kaito has gone to Kenny Space center in Florida so many times as a child that he has lots of signatures from the people who work there on a board in his room.

Nagito is asexual, and Mikan is as well, IDk why I decided Nagito was asexual but it kinda became a thing that I can't let go of now.

Hajime has a teddy bear collection at his parent's house, and Nagito likes to randomly buy him teddy bears out of nowhere so now he has a collection at his place with Nagito in the spare room.

Ibuki, Sayaka, and Kaede frequently hang out together and try to come up with song ideas that fit their music tastes, but most of the time it just turns into discussions about their friends or they just enjoy treats at hope's cafe.

Maki and Peko, have discussions about swords and weapons, and sometimes Mukaro joins in and talks to them.

Shuichi, Kokichi, and Rantro had a small wedding at Ranatro's parent's house and they invited their friends. It wasn't grand but it was perfect for them. Shuichi's mom cried the entire time, Shuichi did as well, almost unable to say his vows. Rantaro's mother baked the cake herself while Ranatro's sisters and his father decorated for the wedding. Kokichi's parents didn't show up, but his cousin did with a few gits for them. (A brand new dining set, and some handmade blankets.)

Anyway, that's all, I'll leave this story completely after this, I just wanted to add these for no reason TBH.

I love you all, and hope you have a Purrfect Day!

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