Chapter Seventeen: (The Party of Hope!)

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Kokichi's p.o.v (Again)

I woke up in the morning cuddle on the couch, Shuichi was next to me and I could smell waffles.

Rantaro walked into the living room carrying three plates on a platter, a smile on his face as he put the plates on the table and kissed Shuichi's forehead and then mine. "Good morning, my dears I made breakfast."

"D-dear?" Shuichi asked, his eyes winding and a blush covering his face.

Rantaro stopped for a moment before flushing. "Oh, sorry was that too sudden?"

Shuichi shook his head. "NO! Not at all, I just wasn't expecting it. Rantaro."

Pet names, huh, well I didn't have a problem with it but it was obviously enough to make Shuichi a mess.

He was quite flushed as he tried to hide his face behind the coffee mug while drinking the coffee inside of it, and clearly trying to avoid Ranatro's gaze.

I turned to the TV, my mind wandering and thinking about everything that happened before checking my phone for the first time.

Hajime one message

Ten notifications

Five missed calls.

I checked Hajime's message, he was asking if Nagito could come and hang out so I quickly replied before checking the missed calls.

I dropped my phone upon seeing it.

"Kokichi?" Rantaro sat next to me picking up the phone and looking at me concerned. "Are you okay? You look horrified."

Shuichi moved so that he was closer before asking. "Is it your phone? May we check it?"

I gave a silent nod, watching as Ranatro clicked the missed calls. "Your mom called you five times."

No one said a word for a moment before Shuichi pulled me into a hug. "Hey, it's okay, maybe she just wanted to check in with you." He turned to Rantaro. "Did she leave a voicemail?"

He shook his head. "No, she didn't."

I already knew that, but being called by my mom wasn't on the top of my list of things to see or do today. "I'm fine, I just wasn't expecting it, can we just stay here to watch a movie or something? Nagito's supposed to come over while you guys help Hajime and the others decorate his house for his surprise birthday."
Rantaronodded before placing his head on Shuichi's shoulder while I laid on their laps watching the dumb movie that the tv had on.

Eventually, we shut off the movie as Rantaro stood up and headed to the kitchen to clean the dishes. "Hey Shuichi dear, how about we go through our old stuff from before we moved here, and talk about memories?"

Shuichi looked at me waiting as I gave him a grin and stood up. "Okay, I'll tell you all about all the evil things I have done."

Shumai rolled his eyes. "What's the worst? Broke into the dog house?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "No, I did steal my old principal's phone and took it apart because I thought I could sell the parts to nerds in middle school though."

Rantaro raised an eyebrow. "Are you lying again or did you actually do that?"
"It's a lie! Well, I may have bent it to sound cooler, it was some kid's phone that I found in the locker room back in seventh." I grinned as I said it causing Shuichi to chuckle. "You just incriminate yourself in front of a detective Kokichi."

"Intern detective! You are not a true detective yet Shuichi."

"Then why do you call me Emo Detective?" He asked with his eyes staring into mine as if he was digging for the truth, or as if he was cross-examining me.

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