Chapter 5 (Tea Time With The Protags?)

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(This is 4287 words long)

Shuchi's p.o.v

I wasn't expecting the first message to see when my alarm went off. It was a text from Makoto, he wanted Hajime and me to meet up at the cafe after school.

I headed down the stairs to witness the oddest situation I had seen my roommates have ever been in. Kokichi was pinned to the ground and Rantaro was over the top of him.

"AHH RANTARO GET OFF" Kokichi was squirming underneath him, as he shouted

"Not today Kokichi, I'll let you go if you give me my keys back."

Oh, once again Kokichi tried to take Rantaro's car without permission, and it seemed to be that Amami tackled him to the ground.

"NEVER!" Kokichi didn't seem to be bothered, instead, he seems to find his whole situation funny.

With a smirk he finally said. "I'll give you your keys if you kiss me."

I froze, and he wasn't even talking to me.

Rantaro must have been quite surprised but Kokich was too busy laughing.

"Oh Amami, you should have seen the look on your face, I was only kidding. Your keys are in my pocket."

I watched as Rantaro quickly pulled his keys out of Kokichi's pocket and stood back up helping the smaller up too.

"If it was the only way to get them back, it's fine but please don't make Rantaro do that again, it looked as if something else was happening," I mumbled, really I was quite shocked when I first saw them before I realized what was happening.

Rantro looked over at me and chuckled. 'I suppose I could have done something besides pinning him down, but I got my keys." He held them up as proof before looking at the clock. "School starts in an hour and thirty minutes, we have enough time to eat breakfast and drive, with mostly 45 minuet's left before the first bell

"That's if traffic is good," I interjected only causing Kokichi to roll his eyes.

"Right, because at 5:30 in the morning the roads are slammed packed" He sighed annoyed before heading to his room and looking back shouting in a childish voice. "Oh Rantaro, I wasn't going to take your car, I only took the keys to see if you would do something." Before running up the stairs before Rantaro could say or do anything.

Rantaro had plopped down onto the couch looking exhausted, "I swear sometimes he acts more like a child then my youngest half-sister."

I nodded, it was true, but sometimes I felt as if his childish, and his lying was a defense mechanism.

Rantaro had already made eggs and toast, so I went over and grabbed a plate, we were really lucky to have at least one roommate who loved cooking.

"Thank you for breakfast, it's good."

He only smiled before standing up, checking his phone and he frowned staring at the screen as if confused. "That's odd, My mom called me, yesterday, I didn't even know. I'll call her back before work."

"Do you think something happened?" I asked a bit worried, his mom didn't call that much.

He shook his head. "I doubt it, If anything bad had happened she would have called me a million times."

He was silent for a few moments before saying. "Oh my sister texted me yesterday, she came down from New York and she's home. Mom probably called me to tell me that."

"Which sister?"

Rantaro laughed, "The oldest sister, Helen, the actress who made it to broadway. She came down for the week, she's taking a break from showbiz for now."

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