Chapter Sixteen: A New Day A New Start

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Kokichi's p.o.v

The alarm blared.

Not that it woke me up, I had already been awake staring at the ceiling waiting for it to be time to get up.

Sleep? Who's she? I don't know her.

Instead, I had laid in bed hoping to meet her but never did.

Dragging myself out of my room I walked down the stairs.

Well not walking more like I zombie walked the entire way down nearly falling once or twice.

Rae was sitting on the couch, Shuichi was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes.

Rae was wearing a blue dress shirt, with black pants before smiling and waving me over. "Kokichi, you're up."

Shuichi stepped into the living room and smiled at me as well. "G-good morning, the school called, saying that we will be having a memorial during school tomorrow."

Rae nodded her head before pulling me into a hug. Taking a step back I saw two rings. "Two rings, so are you Ranatro today?" I asked, trying to contain the urge to yawn.

He nodded. "Yeah." He turned to Shuichi and came back to me. "Well we better get ready, school starts in an hour."

"Right." Something was off, I should feel elated right? Going back to school after everything had been solved, but instead, I felt drained.

I felt a hand be placed on my shoulder. Shuichi was standing next to me as I had zoned out in thought. "Kokichi are you okay?"

I smiled, before it fell into a frown, there was no point in lying this time, and I didn't have the motivation to even lie or tease. "I'm drained."

Rantaro nodded his head in understanding. "I think we all are, I mean the past week has just been a roller coaster of emotions for all of us."

Without thinking I leaned against Shuichi. "I want to sleep," I mumbled causing each other to look at me and back to each other.

Rantaro sighed. "I would say you could stay home, but we really should go back, you can sleep in the car for a little while."

"Yay," I grumbled before walking over to the coffee pot and adding the leftover coffee to my hot chocolate.

Something was ringing in the back of my head, an alarm telling me not to go to school, I didn't want to suddenly come out of the closet so suddenly.

If my cousin found out and told my parents.

A shudder ran up my spine as I nearly dropped the coffee pot and I began to fall backward grabbing onto the chair for support.

"Kokichi!" Rantaro snapped, in front of my face looking worried. "Hey, maybe you should stay home for the day, you look out of it."

The words sounded gargled as if I was underwater, I couldn't understand what Shuichi was saying as he rushed over and then.

Everything went black.










White light shined on my face causing me to squint as I tried to lift my arm but it felt heavy as if it had weighed a million pounds and my mouth felt like cotton.

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