Chapter Six (Duplicated Drama)

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Kokichi's p.o.v


I don't mean drama as in drama club, no actual drama, and gossip.

Stupid drama, if I were to look back on on it a few years laters but for now, it was annoying.

The stupid fake realtionship with Megan has pread like wildfire.

Well they all didn't know the relationship was fake.

Shuichi had come home from his tea party with Makoto and Hajime, he looked concerned and upset as he stared at his phone.

"What's wrong?" Ranatro asked as Shuichi sat down.

To my surprise he answered Ranatro's question with another question. "Is Mikan dating someone Ranatro?"

Ranatro frowned, "I don't think so, she did go see a movie with someone but didn't tell me who she went with. All she said was it was a great time. Is there a reason you're interested?"

Shuichi sighed, before grabbing Rantaro's arm and pulling him down onto the couch. "I've been investigating some stuff you could say, and Mikan is a part of it, all I know is that she's indirectly involved but it has to do with her relationship."

"What are you investigating?" I asked with interest.

Surprising Suichi looked worried, when I asked.

"I'll tell you later when I get some more information." He looked as if he was worried to tell me.

Ranatro seemed to pick up on that and gently asked. "Does it have to do with Megan in any way?"

He bit his lip as if debating. "Kinda, it's hard to explain."

Ranatro nodded. "So it's just a school drama you're investigating."

He glared at Ranatro annoyed. "I think it could be bigger than a High School drama, I have reasons to believe it has something to do with blackmail."

That startled me, did Shuichi know about Megan's threat to me or was there something else he was getting at?

Rantaro looked just as shocked as I felt. "B-Blackmail? Shuichi where would such an idea come from?"

He sighed, "I can't tell you until I know some more, I'm going to talk to April tomorrow, she mentioned something to me about her sister.

"Jeez, you're taking the whole apprentice detective thing seriously, the black mail is probably like Megan's most embarrassing secret. I don't see why it matters." I spoke up, causing both to give me a dirty look, Ranatro was the first to consider my point.

"He has a point Shuichi, I don't know you'd want to investigate some stupid drama at school."

"Fine, maybe you're right but, I can't help but feel like I'm missing something." He mumbled walking up toward his room leaving me and Rantaro.

"You're acting pretty suspicious to throw Shuichi off his investigation, you know something don't you?" He asked curiously, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, just be careful." He smiled, before taking my hand, and pulling me down on the couch.

"You know we care about you right Kokichi? Neither of us want something bad to happen to you, If you need to talk to us we will listen. No matter what you say." He smiled genuinely, a kind smile, kinda like someone you could trust completely. No wonder, I fell for him.

It felt nice to hear someone say it.

I just didn't know how to tell them that Megan and I are printing out those emails tomorrow after school while both of them are gone.

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