Chapter One. (Mess in the Cafe)

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Rantaro's p.o.v

What do you do when both roommates are gone?

Simple, enjoy the quiet with a Steven King book and sipping tea.

My name is Rantaro Amami and I'm just a normal eighteen-year-old living with two roommates, in the same apartment that we share rent on. I wouldn't say my life is bad, it's good, to be honest, things could have been a lot worse in my life, just that I don't have anything exciting going on all the time.

I spend most of my time at the Cafe where I work to make money for college to become a teacher, though right now I'm just a tutor for my classmates.

I know teaching doesn't get me lots of money, but I love helping people, especially kids so being a teacher seems like a job right up my ally.

I have such good grades that I only have three classes a day which makes going to work so much easier since the cafe is a five-minute walk from the school.


Quickly I grabbed my phone and answered.


"Rantaro, hey sorry to call out of nowhere but Amy just walked out of the store saying she's never coming back, and now I'm the only barista at the cafe, I promise you'll be paid overtime if you can come over, I know it's your day off I'm sorry!" Mikan's voice frantically squeaked into the phone while I heard people in the background talking and ordering drinks.

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten minutes." Normally I would want to stay home, but Mikan is a mess when she gets stressed out.

Also because Mikan is so nice I would hate for her to overwork.

Like I said within ten minutes I walked into the cafe with my uniform on. "I'm here, I tried to get here as fast as I could."

"Oh, thank you Rantaro! Here are four customers waiting for their orders to be taken." Mikan pushed me toward a cash register before she rushed over to make a coffee.

"Welcome to Hope's Cafe, how may I help you?" The words rolled off my tongue immediately, I have worked at this cafe for over a year so I'm practically the best baristo around.

The customer was Hajime Hinata, he normally showed up with his crush Nagito Komaeda but it looked like he was alone.

"Rantaro I would like a small hot chocolate, extra whipped cream, and chocolate power on top." He seemed uncomfortable catching my attention.

"What's wrong, you seem upset?" I know sometimes it's best not to pry, but Hajime and I talk quite a bit so seeing him upset I had to ask.

"Oh, it's embarrassing, just Nagito got jealous that I've been spending more time with Chaki then with him, and I can't tell him I'm at her house because we are planning a surprise birthday party for him in a few weeks." He flushed as he explained what was happening while I made his hot chocolate.

"Hm, maybe you should invite him to my place we can play some stupid board games and joke around that way he doesn't feel like your ignoring him? I mean we all know Nagito can get jealous easily if you don't pay attention him for a few days."

"That's a great idea, so your place at seven?" He asked with a grin as he sipped his hot chocolate.

"Yeah, seven I'll see you and Komaeda there!" With a wave, Hajime walked out the door.

That's when I heard a crash. Wiring around I saw Mikan on the floor, her legs in the air showing her, "delicates", coffee was all over her and the floor. "AAH, I'm sorry!" She squeaked while she slid around in coffee trying to get up. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"I'm sorry! I was doing so well a full month without spilling anything!" Her voice quavered as tears rushed down her face.

Handing her a napkin to wipe the coffee from her eyes, I had turned to the clock. "Here, clean up. In five minutes Rosa and Andy should show up for their sifts, for now, I'll mop the floor and you clean yourself up in the employee bathroom."

"Yes, yes you're right I'm sorry Rantro, you're too kind! With those words, she rushed into the bathroom.

Grabbing the mop I began to clean after I had mopped up all the coffee Andy and Rosa took our places.

Mikan stood outside, her normal clothes on as she stared into the road, no doubt waiting for her friend to pick her up.

"Is he coming?" I knew it was pointless to ask, Mikan's friend was never reliable, he was an idiot, he only hung out with her because she'll do anything for anyone.

"No, I guess Travis isn't coming. I called and all I heard in the background was yelling from what sounds like his friends."

There were tears in her eyes, "I guess I'll just walk home or hitchhike if someone would want to pick me up."

"Are, you crazy Mikan, it's an hour walk to your house and you'll never know what someone would do to you if they picked you up off the street. I drove to work from home because it was quicker, I'll drive you home."

"Really? Oh, Rantaro you don't have to!" Her eyes shined with happiness while I unlocked the car doors, "Get in the car I'm taking you home."

The car ride was uneventful, Mikan talked a bit about how medical school was going and how she had been helping Hajime, and Chaki plans Nagito's surprise eighteenth birthday party. Before long we made it to her apartment, gathering her things she waved goodbye to me and walked into her home.

After she left I drove back home and I walked into back into my house and was startled to see Nagito and Hajime already playing sorry on the floor with Kokichi

"Oh, you guys are already here?" Wow, Rantaro stupid question I grumbled to myself as they both shrugged.

"Seems like I'm here, are you here Hajime?" Nagito asked with a grin as Hajime pretended to look himself over.

"Yeah, I'm here Nagito."

"Urg, Ignore what I just asked." I was honestly annoyed by their responses.

"Hey, you're the one who asked." Komaeda was sitting cross-legged on the floor, before pulling the card he needed to win. "Oh, looks I won that round!"

Shuichi was sitting on the couch with his laptop typing at what seemed like a million miles a second.

"What are you doing?"

He glared at me before responding in an annoyed tone. "Rewriting the report on Genocide Jack, because my coworker is an idiot and doesn't understand anything at all, I don't understand how he even became a detective."

"I thought you and him were apprentices only in your internship at the detective's office?" I would be lying if I said I understood why interns were writing a report on a highly known serial killer.

"We are, but if we can shed some light on the patterns of the killing we could find them!" Shuichi's eyes glowed with excitement, "Not only that, if I can catch Genocide Jack then Kyoko would have to make me her partner!"

Ah, there was the motivation, Shuichi had always been a fan of Kyoko ever since she solved a murder at our school a few years ago. Of course, you can't blame him. Kyoko is only two years older than us, so for someone not too much older than us to solve a murder at school. It was fascinating, not only that she was in our gym class. The whole thing inspired Shuchi to become a detective like his uncle.

Of course, he's not as rude as he seemed a few moments ago, he's just stressed because he wants to prove himself to his mentor to prove to her, he can be just as good.

I played a few more rounds of sorry with Hajime, Nagito, and Kokichi, before the two decided to leave.

It was 9:30 by the time we had all eaten dinner and I knew I should get some shut-eye.

"Goodnight you guys, see you tomorrow!"

Hey, it's Kitty, sorry that this chapter is little all over the place but the next two chapters are so much better.

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