Chapter Ten (Confessions in the Cafe)

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Rantaro's p.o.v

Well, my sleep decided to be annoying, so I only got four hours instead of eight, but I don't have school today. So I suppose that's good. I could probably catch up on some sleep.

Since I'm ahead in all my classes there are some days where I just don't have to go to school. Which means I have at least four hours before my shift at the cafe starts.

Shuichi and Kokichi had already left for school an hour ago, but I strangely missed them already.

I mean so much has happened the past few days with them it's so odd knowing that I'm going to be alone and have a relatively normal day.

I was bored.

For some reason I couldn't think of anything to do here, I mean it's only 8:00 but you'd think I would have some idea on what to do today.

I heard downstairs and grabbed the vacuum cleaner, maybe cleaning up a bit will give me some ideas.

Saturday's events ran in my head, not necessarily what my mom said but more of what happened at the skating rink.

Why was it when Kokichi kissed Shuichi I felt as if my heart was going to burst.

Why was that?

Did I like Kokichi? Or did I like Shuichi, what if I liked both?

I don't know.

Why must things be so confusing, not to mention all the blackmail and drama at school. Atua please give me a normal day at least once.

Hold on I don't even believe in Atua, I hang out with Angie too much.

Shaking my head trying to clear it, I stopped vacuuming and put the vacuum back.

After about an hour of me randomly dusting and mopping the kitchen the doorbell rang. "I'm coming!" I shouted, who could be at my door at 9:30 on a tuesday?

After leaning the mop next to the wall in the kitchen I went over and opened the door.

Mom, she was standing at the door with a box in her hands. "Hello honey.' Her voice wavered as she looked down. "M-may I come in?"

I was worried. Didn't she say she didn't want to see me? What was she doing here?

She looked me in the eyes. "I came to apologize."

I opened the door wide enough allowing her to come in. Feeling a bit better knowing that's why she was here.

She took a seat on the couch and handed me a box. "First I want to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said such terrible things to you. You're still my child no matter what." She trailed off before opening the box.

"I u-understand if y-you don't forgive me, but I brought some clothes t-that your sister doesn't wear, and I also brought Hobbs h-homemade brownies, he asked me to bring t-them along." She was beginning to cry.

Reaching out I squeezed her hand. "Mom, I forgive you." Not even a minute after the words were said my mom stood up and swept me into a hug crying into my shoulder.

"Rantaro I want you to know I-I love you very much." She whispered before pulling away and wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. "I must l-look so silly s-sobbing like this."

I motioned her for her to sit down. "It's fine mom, would you like a cup of tea? I was about to make some before you showed up."

She laughed lightly. "Yes, thank you dear, you really have done well with this place. It's pretty much spotless."

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