Chapter Eight (The Skating Detective)

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Shuichi's p.o.v

We all had gotten into the car. Kokichi in the front and Rae in the back.

I wondered how Rae would feel going into the Nail Salon as she is now, it did finally make sense to me about why Rantaro at the time before coming out was feimene than most boys.

Rae had plugged in her own music so along the way she had Twenty One Pilots, some Greenday and even some random love songs swiped into the mix.

As Hey There Deliah ended we pulled into the parking lot in front the Nail Salon.

Kokich slammed open the door to the car and ran to Rae's side taking her hand and helping her up. "Come on Rae we don't have all day. You too Shuichi!"

"I'm coming" I called back sighing, well hopefully Rae feels a lot better after this. It must be hard having your own mother not accept you.

We walked inside the salon.

It was a small salon that could hold about twenty people, ten customers max. Rae always enjoyed going to small businesses because they felt more personal.

That's why she got a job at Hope's cafe. It is run by the Hope family after all.

The Nail Salon was run by a family friend of Kokichi. When Rae found out about that, she started going a lot more instead of painting her own nails

His name was Jason. He had blonde hair that went down to his shoulders, his hair was always pulled back into a ponytail.His eyes were as blue as the sky and he had a smile that could light up the room.

He was practically everything I wished I could be. He could talk to anyone and not worry what people were thinking about him.

While I tend to worry about quite a few things and get myself stressed out easily.

Rae placed her hand on my shoulder taking me out of my thoughts.

"Shuichi, I really like your sweater, Fall Out Boy is a great band." Jason had already started making conversation, smiling and leading Rae to her seat. "I must say you look really nice Ran- Well what's your name miss?"

"Rae" Rae truly looked happier as she sat down and put her hands on the desk already knowing the procedure leaving the other few workers to help with Kokichi and I to our seats and they began to get everything ready.

I picked out a deep blue that was the color of the night sky. I don't know what Rae picked but Kokichi got a purple the same color as his hair.

When our nails dried. Kokichi took my hand in his own and didn't let go.

"Kokichi?" I asked looking at him oddly.

He looked up innocently. "What's wrong Shuichi? I can't hold your hand?" He squeezed my hand still grinning before his smile began to waver just a bit.

Thinking fast I squeezed his hand back. "Nothing is wrong, I was just a bit confused."

Kokichi had been acting a bit differently. He's been more clingy than I had remembered, not to mention he keeps teasing me, so I don't know what's a lie or truth.

He hummed in response before dragging me to the gumball machine. "Shuichi I want a gumball!"

I rolled my eyes, he probably already had a quarter but I stuck one in and cranked it.

The gumball looped around before coming out into my hand.

Grape, huh I got his favorite.

"Hm, Shuichi you sure you're not Nagito? You've seem to have luck on your side." He asked, taking the gumball out of my hand and placing it into his mouth, he stopped chewing for a second to say "Thank you."

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