Chapter Eighteen: (New Lives Old Love)

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Rantaro's p.o.v

The classroom was empty, well mostly empty. Or at least devoid of students. The walls were covered in inspirational quotes and posters to help learning, and all the desks were in rows of five by four.

On the teacher's desk sat a computer, some books and a picture frame with a picture of the teacher and their loved ones.

My name is Rantaro Amami, I'm a teacher at Faith's Elementary School, the only elementary school in this small town, I live with Shuichi Amami and Kokichi Amami, my husbands. We've been married for over a year now, our lives had been crazy five years ago with drama and death. It seemed like a story for a movie, but that was my life not as completely boring as I had always assumed it would be.

Not that it matters anymore, instead I'm getting ready to meet my new students.

The doors opened and some parents filed into the room

A young women about in her early twenties walked up, her black hair pulled into a bun and wearing what looked to be a bluck suit, freckles were speckled all over her face and a little girl with her hair up in pigtails with a pink dress was behind her holding onto to the woman's hand. The lady stared at me as if I was familiar, causing me to smile and greet her. "Hello, I'm Mr. Amami, how are you?"

The women blinked before smiling shyly. "I'm doing well thank you Rantaro, this is my daughter Hazel."

"Um, I'm sorry, but I don't remember you?" I felt bad, clearly this lady knew who I was, only causing her to smile.

"That makes sense. I wasn't really well known much, unlike my sister. I'm Mukaro." Mukaro smiled upon seeing my eyes to widen. "Ikusaba?"

She chuckled before gently pushing Hazel towards me. "Yes, and this is my daughter Hazel Ikusaba, I adopted her about a year ago."

Hazel looked up at me, her eyes sparkling widely. "Do you like my pigtails? Mom did them. She said that my aunt enjoyed pigtails!"

Ah her aunt. Junko Enoshima. I looked over to Mukaro who looked embarrassed before gently shushing her daughter and looking at me. "Um, honey that part wasn't necessary." She stepped closer to me, a hint of sadness behind them. "Junko is no longer among the living."

That startled me. "What happened?"

Muakro shook her head sadly. "She was executed, for her crimes. Not the crimes back in highschool, she did much worse."

"I'm sorry for-"I started hoping to make her feel better but Muakro cut me off. "Don't say that, she wasn't the greatest person, at first I was upset about it but now I know that it was her fault."

Hazel cut into the conversation. "We also live with some other lady named April right mommy?" Her mother faltered before looking away embarrassed. "Ah, yeah after Junko died, I had nowhere to go so of all people April Hope offered me a place to stay."

She looked around before looking at me shyly. "This is silly to ask, but how's Makoto? I may have liked him back in highschool."

Oh, I don't think anyone would have guessed that. "He and Kyoko have been happy married for five years and Kyoko just announced that they are going to have a baby about a month ago." I expected Mukaro to look sad but instead she was smiling happily. "I'm happy for them, they deserve happiness, just like everyone else."

She walked over to my desk spotting the picture and looking at my name tag on the desk. "I suppose you are married, they all took your last name then?"

I nodded walking over to the picture and placed my hand on the picture wiping off the little bit of dust. "Our one year anivasity was yesterday, we just decorated this room, got some coffee and watched a movie at home."

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