Chapter Fourteen(The Festival of Lights)

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This chapter is 7552 words, and Grammarly messed up some of the words instead of fixing them so sorry about that.

Rantaro's p.o.v

"Wait Kokichi!" I shouted as we chased after him.

Shuichi and I followed Kokichi into the nearest shop, it happened to be a small weapon shop, over by the cash register I saw Maki and Kaito looking at a crossbow.

There were crossbows, guns, bows, daggers, and knives all around the room. Multiple people were looking at the pistols while in a discussion.

A shiny dagger in a case caught my attention, but I ignored it and scanned the room again.

I didn't see Kokichi though.

"Gotcha!" I heard Kokichi say, spinning around. I saw Kokichi grabbing onto Shuichi who looked quite surprised. "Kokichi! Don't do that!" He exclaimed after Kokichi let go of him and gave us his usual carefree grin."Haha, Shuichi you're so predictable, I knew you'd get scared by that."

Shuichi frowned, before chuckling softly, when a hand suddenly slapped my back, nearly scaring me.

"Rantaro, Shuichi, and... Kokichi it's good to see you guys." Kaito had walked up behind us while we were distracted by Kokichi's antics, Maki walked over to the three of us, glaring at Kokichi, before holding up a black case. "You idiot you forgot your crossbow."

Kaito laughed, taking the case and then placing a hand on Maki's shoulder. "Maki Roll over here has been teaching me how to shoot a crossbow, so we went out to buy one for myself."

Maki blushed before swiping Kaito's hand off her shoulder. "It's nothing really, he's just such an idiot I felt that he should have something to defend himself with if he ever needed to."

Kaito chuckled awkwardly. "Hey, I'm not an idiot, but anyway what are you three doing here?"

Kokichi grinned. "Buying weapons to take over the world of course."

I sighed. "No that's not why we are here, Kokichi ran off so we had to go find him. Although I don't know why he went to this shop of all places."

"Like I said, to buy weapons to take over the world," Kokichi said, glaring at me before smiling again. "That's a lie, I just hid in the nearest shop, no reason whatsoever."

Shuichi sighed, clearly figuring that much out before I even said anything. "Uh, anyway it's nice to see you again, Kaito and Maki."

Kaito looked at him oddly. "Huh? What's wrong Shuichi are you uncomfortable being around Maki and me now that we are dating?"

Shuichi's eyes widened. "N-no, it's not that! I'm h-happy you guys got together, just we have some things to do."

Kokichi looked at Kaito and then Maki before tilting his head to the side. "So the idiot and the tsundere got together?"

Maki glared at Kaito and then at Kokichi, causing Kokichi to flinch under her glare. "Nevermind then, just stop glaring at me as if you're going to kill me."

Shuichi cleared his throat, "Uh I'm also curious when did you guys get together?"

Kaito grinned, clearly enjoying the sudden interest. "The other day during training."

Maki started at the ground tugging on one of her pigtails before looking at Shuichi. "You better not skip out on training just because you think you're third-wheeling."

He chuckled awkwardly reaching up to his hat that wasn't there and then dropping his hand noticing that he was doing his habit when he felt as if things got awkward or tense. "Of course not, I'll be there next time after I'm done with Megan's case."

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