Chapter Thirteen (Laughing, and Loving)

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Rantaro's p.o.v

Nothing seemed real the moment I woke up, after falling asleep next to Kokichi and Shuichi.

Did last night really happen?

Yes, it did. I mumbled to myself, a small smile appearing on my features.

Kokichi was laying on the couch with his head on my shoulder, and Shuichi ended up with his head in my lap.

They looked comfortable, but I wanted to get up because my legs had fallen asleep. This was a tough decision.

Did I want to wake up my cute boyfriends?

"Boyfriends" I mumbled again only to myself trying the word out, it seemed so odd to call them that, but the simple word set a sudden abundance of emotions to stir.

After sitting on the couch for a few minutes, Shuichi began to stir, mumbling half awake. "You're warm." He stopped moving for a moment before wiping his eyes and looking up at me, a sudden blush appeared on his face as he sat up as fast as he could and stood up.

"R-Rantaro, sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you!" he scrambled to apologize only causing me to chuckle.

It was really adorable.

"No worries Shuichi you seemed emotionally exhausted after what happened yesterday." I turned to Kokichi who was fast asleep on my shoulder.

"I think we better take him to bed," Shuichi said softly a smile on his face after he realized I wasn't upset with him.

Slowly I began picking Kokichi up and carrying him bridal style the two of us climbed up the stairs, in comfortable silence.

Shuichi opened the door to Kokichi's room, and together we tucked him into bed. I felt as if we were treating him like a child for a moment, but I ignored that thought, as we walked out and shut the door.

As we walked down the stairs Shuichi turned to me with a small grin as if he was trying not to laugh. "I think you woke him up. While you were bringing him to his room he opened his eyes for a moment and closed them again."

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake him up."

My cheeks began to warm up suddenly as I looked away and then walked down the stairs, beginning to go to the kitchen, and was cut off by Shuichi. "U-uh, Rantaro would it be okay if I made breakfast this morning? It's Saturday after all."

I had forgotten for a moment that it was Saturday, the week had gone by faster than I thought. Well mainly because of what happened two days ago.

"Sure Shuichi, I'll just relax for a bit then." Walking out of the kitchen so that Shuichi could do what he pleased, I sat down on the couch and began scrolling through my phone.

The news was still going on about the murder, of course, that can't be helped, yet really I wish we could just escape this for a bit.

There's no point in obsessing and getting myself depressed over this.

Even if it is shocking and a tragedy.

Exiting out of my social media. I stood up and began to pace in the living room trying to think of what we could do for the day.

When suddenly I heard the sound of something falling, it sounded like it was falling down the stairs.

A few seconds later, I saw kokichi holding his ankle and mumbling a few cuss words, as I got closer he looked up and grinned, then winced in pain. "Oh, Rantaro! Were you worried about me! It's nothing, I definitely didn't trip down the stairs."

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