Memories between the Thoughts(Komahina One-Shot)

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I had read a really good fanfic where Hajime got flashbacks from Izuru's memories and I loved it so I decided to write my version. Oh, Hajime and Izuru share the same body and talk to each other. Has nothing to do with the roomates story


"Hajime, c-can y-you hear me?"

A sweet timid voice called my name in the distance, I could only see a bright light. I tried to reach up but my arm was heavy almost as if it weighed a million pounds, I was exhausted as if I haven't slept in one-hundred years.

Blinking a couple of times I recognized a purple-haired figure looking down at me.

"Mikan?" The word hardly left my mouth, I could taste nothing but my saliva and I felt as if I had eaten sandpaper.

She squeaked in surprise before holding out a bottle. "Open y-your mouth, you're dehydrated."

I wanted to ask what happened when I remembered. Right, I had overworked myself yesterday trying to wake everyone. Nagito was the last one left to wake.

I tried to get up, but Mikan pushed me back down. "D-don't get up, you need rest. You overworked yourself beyond what anyone should do." She sighed looking concerned. "Sonia told me you hadn't slept in two days."

I wanted to shout but the only thing that left my mouth was a whimper and a single word. "Nagito." I heard nothing as the word left my mouth instead I saw a vision.

No, not a vision, one of Izuru's memories I'd have to ask him later.


The white hair boy turned around and gave me such a loving smile I couldn't help but feel safe.

"Izuru, you're the world's hope, why would you need trash like me?" He asked, smiling and walking over and gently taking my hand.

I sighed almost contentedly, was that what this feeling was called?

"Junko." The one word was all that needed to be said before he sat down next to me and asked. "Is it okay?"

The keywords.

I nodded as he rolled up my sleeves, and quickly kissed each scar and mark on my arms mumbling over and over. "You're amazing, Junko's just jealous of your beauty."

I shuddered as his lips met the J carved into my shoulder. Junko's mark. She carved it and said it was her mark that I was her special pet.

"I hate her, yet I don't hate this mark." Nagito mumbled, "She tried to make you ugly yet she failed. She only made you more amazing."

I don't understand why he thinks that I'm beautiful. I'm an experiment, a tool. Yet he treats me like a human.

The collar and chain those kids forced onto him were digging into his neck. I could see some of the marks every so often when he moves his head.

"Your chain."

He stopped peppering my arm with kisses, slowly lifting his head and looking at me. "What about it?"

"It's cutting your neck. The wounds would get infected, let me take it off of you." He only chuckled and shook his head. Part of me felt like I wanted to take it off right now. Was this the feeling of annoyance? If so then Junko also annoyed me.

"Izuru, I'm trash and I am your servant. Those kids and you give me the orders and I obey. It's not hard you know. I enjoy being controlled by your hope." He smiled before kissing my forehead, it was comforting. Something he did quite a bit when he believed he won the argument.

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