First Batch of Charcter Questions

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Qustion: I have a question for Megan. Is there a reason you hate your sister or do you just like making her life miserable?

Megan's Awnser: No I wouldn't say I hate her, she just odd, I mean, have you ever met someone with a girl part downstairs but liiteraly can't have breasts? Like WTF.   

The doctor even told us she's a male and female, but noo, she has to get everyone to call her a girl. 

I guess it just makes me feel weird.


Question: Rantaro tell us two things you hate about your roomates

Rantaro's Awnser: Hate, thats a strong word, Well I guess if I had to say the things I don't like I can name a few.

Number 1: Kokichi tends to act a little too childish getting Shuichi and I upset, mostly it's Shuichi that gets upset and then I have to deal with all the yelling around the house.

Number 2: Kokichi also likes to take my car, and not tell me when he needs it. It's not a big deal if he needs to brow my car, but there has been incidents where I thought someone stole it, and it would turn out he used it.

Number 1 for Shuichi is that he doesn't rember to turn off the light in the hallway when he gets up to get water, so sometimes I'll wake up and step into the hall to be blinded by the light.

Number 2: He somethimes plays his music kinda loud in his room wich can be annoying if I'm trying to read and all I can hear is Gerard Way screaming I'm not okay. Good thing is he will turn it down if we ask.

That's all of them but I feel like randomly adding this message for all fo you.

Chapter Four is already 3035 words and I'm almost done writting it so stay tuned!

Also, should I contuine doing these questions every three chapters?



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