Update Again

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I'm so sorry!

I've been so busy with school work and drama club that I'm only about 2000 words into chapter 11 so it will probably be another week at most for me to update because all my business is over for now.

Go News though is our show in drama went well and it was my first time being the stage manager managing everything instead of acting.

I will get on with writing more this weekend though on Sunday my friend and I are going to the mall.

So not Sunday.

Thank you for reading and I'll post part of the story right here.

Nagito decided to ask first. "So what does the room have to do with Megan's sudden disappearance?"

Kyoko flicked through her notebook. "I'm under no obligation to answer your question Nagito but I suppose I'll soothe your curiosity. Megan was last seen on camera near that room after that she was never seen again."

Nagito looked excited. "How interesting, I suppose this makes me a suspect?"

I always thought Nagito was a bit off, was he really excited to be suspected of something?

The school felt so empty, no one was inside besides some staff members and us.

I felt a chill go up to my back as we stood in front of the door to the classroom. There was a rumor that the room was haunted by a student who died in the room after being trapped over the summer break.

Nagito seemed to know why I was so reluctant to go in at first. "I promise there is no ghost in there."

"Of course not," I responded trying to sound calm.

What was this intense feeling swirling in my gut?

It was as if something was telling me to not go inside.

"Ghosts don't exist, Nagito." I wasn't just saying it to him. I was trying to get rid of the sudden ball of anxiety in my chest.

To my surprise, I heard Nagito chuckle. "Say that to Komaru she claims to speak and see ghosts."

Kyoko shook her head almost as if to shoo away the idea of a ghost even existing. "Come on, We should go into the closet first. Nagito you stay here. Official private investigator duty."

Roommates (saioumami)Where stories live. Discover now