Random Oneshot.

353 14 20

So the fanart above inspired me...

Shuichi groaned and shifted back in fourth in bed as the alarm rang throughout the bedroom, getting out of bed and checking the time he noticed the date.

February 14.

Valentine's day, now Shuichi didn't have anything planned, Kokichi and Rantaro both were single and Shuichi was as well leaving him to stare at his phone in silence before a text popped up.

Kaede: Morning Shuichi! Happy valentines day! I hope you have a good day with your roommates!


He sat up out of bed the idea coming to him, Kaede had recently broken up with her boyfriend saying she wasn't ready for a relationship, so he was now curious if anyone had thought about getting her something.

Sure he didn't like her romantically, but he could still get her a present as a friend. Grabbing his wallet and his keys he headed down the stairs.

Kokichi was standing near the door tapping his foot up and down. "Rantaro hurry up! You said you wanted to get flowers for Kaede!"

The green-haired boy in question poked his head out of the kitchen. "I know, give me a moment, you hid my keys again."

Kokichi's eyes widened as he reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys. "Oh, I forgot I stole them." He looked over at Shuichi and grinned. "Sorry Shumai I didn't get you any valentines day gifts."

Shuichi shook his head placing his own keys in his pocket, "I w-was going to go get flowers for Kaede, but I see you guys already thought of that."

Rantaro chuckled as he walked over and snatched his keys back form Kokichi and smiled pleasantly at Shuichi. "Well, she is really nice she deserves some flowers..." he trailed off and blushed slightly. "Afterwords we should get gifts for the people we like romantically."

"Huh?" Kokichi asked pretending to be confused. "You think I have a crush on someone Ranatro? You need to get your head out of the clouds." he grinned evilly at Shuichi. "But Shuami on the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if he had the hots for me."
"Hey!" Shuichi snapped, feeling himself blush as he spun away from the purple-haired boy. He wasn't in the mood to be teased.

Rantaro looked at them both and shrugged his shoulders as the three of them got into the car and drove to the nearest flower shop.

Inside were flowers of every color, and lots of valentines day gifts lined the windows of the store. People were going in and out picking lots of flowers, as Shuichi shuffled past some people and finally stopped at a bouquet of pink roses with a little note written on the arrangement.

Pink roses mean gratitude, appreciation, and admiration. 

He picked them up without a second thought, he appreciated Kaede's kindness, he was grateful for her friendship and ongoing support, and finally, he admired her dedication to playing the piano doing what she loves.

After Shuichi purchased his flowers he noticed Rantaro and Kokichi holding their own bunches of flowers over in the corner waiting for him.

The drive to Kaede's house was silent, almost as if the three boys were too afraid to even say anything about what each of their own flowers meant.

Rantaro was first, he knocked on the door as the three of them held out their bouquet to her as she opened the door.

"Hel- Ah!" Kaede's eyes widen in surprise as all three boys brought out their flowers, Kokichi was grinning and hopping from foot to foot, Ranatro just smiled, and Shuichi could feel his face turn bright red as Kaede looked at all three of them.

"Um, I hope this isn't a confession from all three of you." Kaede stumbled on her words as she blushed trying to figure out why all three boys were even there.

Rantaro was the first to respond. "Oh no, or at least mine is purely platonic." Kaede gently took the flowers from him and Ranatro began to explain. "They are pearl blossoms they mean lasting friendship." he paused and swiped part of his hair away from his face. "You are always so kind and you care about your friends so I knew they fit you perfectly."

Kaede's eyes winded as she placed a hand to her mouth. "R-Rantaro! That's so s-sweet I don't deserve it really! I'm just being me."

Kokichi jumped up and down. "Me next! You get yellow roses because they just mean friendship, I don't like all the mushy meaning flowers have so, you get something straight to the point."

Kaede didn't look surprised as she took them from Kokichi. "Thank's Koichi I appreciate them really."

Finally, she turned to attention to Shuichi, who felt his entire face burn up in a blush as he handed her the flowers and looked away. "Pink roses mean gratitude, appreciation, and admiration. Um I well I'm grateful to you for everything, I mean you were always so nice to me in school since we were kids, I well clearly appreciate everything you've done for me and everyone else." He blushed even further as he looked her in the eyes. "I also admire you for y-your dedication to your music and friends." Shuichi looked back down again unable to say anything else feeling very embarrassed about the situation.

Kaede began to hic-up as tears flowed down her face and she threw herself at Shuichi pulling him into a hug. "S-Shuichi, I really don't deserve that...you make me sound like a goddess or something. I promise you that you are just as amazing as I am. There's no doubt about that." She let go and cupped his face and smiled.

Shuichi slowly lifted up his hand and wiped her tears. "I know you keep telling me that, I just want you to know how much people care about you."

Kaede giggled. "People care about you as well Shuichi, I mean look at Rantaro and Kokichi." She paused and began to laugh. "This was a confession from all three of you, a confession of friendship."

Kokichi stuck out his tounge. "Yeah, but isn't Shuichi and Rantaro supposed to confess their love for each other now?"

"huh?" They both asked completely caught off guard.

Kokichi rolled his eyes. "Jeez, I already knew the two of you had a crush on me and had a crush on each other."

This time Ranatro turned bright red as well as Shuichi as Kaede giggled. "I think you three have some things to talk about." Gathering up her flowers Kaede walked into her house and shut the door.

Kokichi looked at them both. "Sooo, where are my chocolates and flowers you two?"

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