Chapter Nine (Drama Unraveled, and Raveled Again)

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Kokichi's p.o.v

Today was the day everything was going to go down hill. I was dreading today, I should probably pretend to be sick.

"Kokichi! Get down here!" Rae's voice called from down stairs.

Oh well, I got dressed and headed down stairs.

Rae smiled at me. "Oh, It's Ranatro today." he said smiling. While handing Shuichi a mug of coffee.

"I made breakfast and we are leaving in half an hour so eat up and get ready for school. I have a feeling today is going to be a good day!" He was happy and cheery before going back to the kitchen and coming out with chocolate chip pancakes. "Tada! You're favorite."

I meant to smile but I was afraid it would be too obvious that it was forced.

He frowned suddenly. "Are you ok? I expected you to at least smile. I got no reaction out of you."

"Hm? Oh thank you Rantaro that's why you're my beloved Amami!" It was forced, hopefully they couldn't tell.

Shuichi raised an eyebrow clearing knowing I had forced the comment and the cherry smile before taking a bite out of the pancakes. "Thank you Rantato they are amazing like always." He gave me a quick look that basically just said. You good?

Was I good, nope instead I felt like I was going to puke up the small bites of pancakes I had eaten.

Before I could think of any way to excuse myself Ranatro took a seat between the two of us and pulled out his phone.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see there were a couple random texts and I could see they were all from April.

Straining my eyes I read the texts, trying not to be obvious.

I decided, who cares if people find out I'm intersex, I mean I'm still me right? Therefore I don't care what people think! It's not my fault my DNA is like that. I'll see you at school!

Thank you for being such a good friend and letting me talk to you.

She wasn't bothered if everyone knew? Then that meant Megan, or her blackmailer's plan is going to fail miserably.

Knowing that I began to feel relieved. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

We all piled into Rantar's car, this time I got to drive.

We ended up getting there on time with 15 minutes left.

Shuichi shook his head as we got out. "Remind me to never let you drive my car. You were going 65mph in a 50mph rd."

Ranatro even looked startled. "How have you not gotten a speeding ticket yet?"

I shrugged. As we walked to the doors of the school my heart began to pound louder and what we saw was not what I was expecting.

A group of students were crowded around a random piece of paper and others were holding the papers. Thinking it was the April emails I picked one off the ground instead it was different.

No, it was styled as a newspaper.

Megan Still Is a Blackmailer! That was the tidal.

The entire thing was pictures of Megan's texts to me and pictures of her and Mikan.

I scanned the first paragraph

Megan still, has blackmailed Kokichi into helping her print emails about her sister's intersexuality as if it was a bad thing, not only that she had been using him a cover so no one could find out that she is a lesbian.

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