Chapter Fifteen: The Hidden Truth

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So warning this chapter does talk about suicide and death, if this bothers you then please don't read, then again this is a danganropa fic so what do you expect?

Shuichi's p.o.v

I woke up in the morning, to find myself in a strange bed, and something wrapped around me.

It took me a few moments to remember what had happened, but it did come back to me.

Kokichi was snuggled into my side, his head buried against my chest and his arm dropped over my waist.

I already knew I was a flustered mess, if Nagito or Hajime walked in, I'd die.

Kokichi was fast asleep, he had a half-smile on his face as he stayed cuddled against me, the problem is I don't want to wake him up, but it's about time I got out of bed, the sun was already shining through the windows illuminating Kokichi's face as he slept peacefully.

Slowly and carefully I shimmied out of his grasp and tried not to fall on the floor as I did.

Once I was out of the bed, I looked at him, and despite what my mind was telling me to do, I quickly kissed his forehead, picked up my phone off the charger, and tip-toed out of the room.

I turned on the phone and started at the screen

Kyoko Kirigiri

One Missed Call

Crap. Quickly I walked onto the back porch that was near the spare room and called her back.



"Hello, Shuichi."

"Hi, Kyoko sorry I missed your call, um what happened?" I asked, trying not to yawn.

I heard the shuffle of papers and then she spoke up again. "I know it's Saturday, and you don't come to the office on Saturday's but I have some news, I was looking over the evidence that we found at the crime scene, Megan's phone had a micro sd card. I want you in my office ASAP, I don't want to look at what is on it without you."

That caught my attention. "Y-Yes, I'll be there forty-five minutes? I'll try to be there faster, I'm just at Hajime's place at the moment."

"Alright, I'll see you later." She hung up leaving me to stare at the phone, a sudden feeling of excitement coursing through my body, this might be the clue that closes this case for good. I put my phone in the pocket and walked into the living room, stopping short at the sight in front of me.

Five kids were on the floor, two girls were messing with Rantaro's hair.

A boy with blue hair sat at the desk with a book and pencil, another boy with blonde hair sat at the same desk and was coloring, while the third boy with red hair was throwing a tennis ball into the air and catching it repeatedly.

The girl with pink hair and wearing a white dress was too busy going through some clips and sticking them into Ranatro's hair, who seemed to be enjoying it.

Yet the girl with green hair stopped and turned to me before walking over calmly and smiling. "You're Shuichi, right? Big sis Junko talks about you sometimes."

The boy with blue hair looked up and sighed annoyed. "Monica, don't bother him, he has things to do can't you tell."

The pink-haired girl glared at the boy. "Nagisa! Don't be rude." She turned to me. "I'm Kotoko, that's Jataro." She pointed to the boy that was drawing, and then to the red-haired boy. "That's Masaru, and as you heard the mean boy is Nagisa, and she's Monica."

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