A word from the Author.

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Why are you people reading this shit, ah, I hate most of this fic every single time I look at it.
Okay, the murder of Megan? That was written haphazardly with not much thought.

April? I changed her intersex idea twice, at first it was supposed to be she had a girl's reproduction system but zero boobs? Then I changed it to the chromosomes and I did like ten minutes of research on that.

I do like the cute dates I stuck them on though, that's fine, and the interactions between most friends were cute.
Nagito's coming out idea??? I just wrote his coming out as an actual joke about Brenden Urie being hot?????

Also their backstories? Didn't give it much thought just wrote whatever shit I thought, besides Shuichi's parent's thing near the end I wanted to do that.

So if I hate to rate my own fic it would be 4/10
Cute dates, and some character development, but the author forgot the plot like three times.
Thanks for reading this tho.
Have a great day!!

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