Iron Monger

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The phone started ringing, I walked into the living room and picked it up. Gianna had been gone for hours and I was starting to worry. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her while helping me. I looked at the phone and saw her face, she was finally calling so I answered but before I could say anything I felt a high pitch screech directly in my ear, causing all of my nerves to lock and I fell onto the couch

"Tony?" I heard her say through the phone, I tried to speak but it was like my brain stopped working then the screeching stopped, and Obadiah appeared in front of me. He took the phone out f my hand and hung it up

"You remember this one don't you?" He said flashing the device no bigger than a pager

"I always thought it was a shame that the government didn't approve this." He said as he took his earplugs out, then sat on the couch next to me and turned my head to face him. I looked into his eyes and the man who was like a second father to me was gone. This man was pure evil

"you know Tony when I ordered the hit on you, it was a really hard decision because it would be like killing my golden goose." He said then pulled a small suitcase on the table he opened it and pulled out an extraction device

"I think it was fate that you survived, so that you could create this one last golden egg." He said then pulled out my arc-reactor and felt my heart jolt, it knew it was a matter of time before my heart stopped totally. I tired to will my body to move but I couldn't do anything but watch as he put my arc-reactor in the case he brought

"Don't worry Tony I'll make sure you get full credit for this, you'll be leaving behind a world of good. You know if your father was a selfish as you, we would've lost the war."

"What's really sad is that you had to involve Gianna in all of this, I would have preferred her to live. I would've been a nice shoulder to lean on as we grieved for you if you know what I mean." He said with a smirked and I felt my heart skip a beat again

"Just a waste." He said then grabbed the case and walked out

I felt my body began to slump over, I wasn't going to die here more importantly I cant let him hurt Gianna. I felt my eyes begin to close as I thought about her, my favorite pair blue eyes, and they day we first met

"You're Tony Stark."

"I know and you are...?"

"Gianna Teller." We shook hands


"Tony you can do anything you put your mind to."

"That is so corny."

"It's not corny it's true, you've proven it time and time again."


"You don't want to keep this?"

"I'm many things but nostalgic is not one of them."

"Well I'm keeping it as proof of my first open heart surgery." She said with a smile looking at my old reactor

I opened my eyes, I got to get downstairs. I tried to move my leg I got a little move me it was like the paralysis had wore off but the effects of my heart only working at 40% and steadily dropping were taking over

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