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I was on my lunch break the next day when I got an email from Tony

The vibranium worked, good job.

I immediately called him

"How does it look?" I asked once he picked up

"Beautiful, thank you for all your help. I'll get my assistant to talk numbers with you later this week."

"Wait what?"

"Are you coming down here?"

"I have some things to finish working out here."

"Yeah so until you do we're done here, when Ms. Potts calls she'll go over all of the paperwork with you and you just need to sign it."

"What paperwork?"

"NDA, you signing over your part of the generator to me."

"But that's my life's work Tony don't do this."

"You'll a smart girl you'll leave your mark on the world someway. Like I said you'll be fully compensated."

"I thought we were friends,"

"As your friend I can't stand by and watch you throw your life away. So once more you can enroll in the master's program I'll make the call your behalf, and move down here to nurture your talent."

"Just tell me one thing and I'll leave you alone." He said


"Are you happy?"


"Are you happy? I mean really happy in that little dead end town where you'll end up being nothing more that a glorified computer repairman." He said and I was silent

"That's what I thought, I wish you the best Ms. Teller." He said then hung up

"Fuck!" I slammed my hands on the table

"Everything ok girl?" I looked over to see Kayla the receptionist, we've became really good friends since I started here

"I just got fired I guess you can call it that."

"Elliot fired you?" She asked looking at his closed office door

"No, no, remember I told you I've been working with Tony Stark."

"Yes and?"

"Well the project we've been working on is now functioning thanks to my idea but, he wants me to sign away any rights I have to it, if I don't go to the Cal Tech master's program."

"You put that off for the year, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing well I thought so, he thinks I'm going to give into my mom and stay forever."

"Ok now I see where he's coming from you've been under her thumb since you got back."

"Can you imagine not talking to your mom for four years, after just losing your dad? Because it sucks and I've felt like most my life she didn't understand me and now we're finally coming to some common ground."

"Common ground would be her understanding why you went to school and knowing it wasn't an attack on her. It would be her supporting you to go now, you've had an unbelievable opportunity how many college freshman get to work personally with Tony Stark? and have him continually look out for your best interest." She said and I smiled as I thought about Tony, we really became good friends once I turned 18 and got more freedom to do things. He always took me with him

"Oh my God you like him!" she said

"What? No I-I don't we're just friends, or were."

"You are blushing you like him and he likes you. That's why he's pushing you." She said

"No I'm seeing a guy from my brother's club."

"Ugh Gigi don't go down that path, as your friend I really think you should go, you can always come back to visit." She said as I got a text from Happy

"Look at least think about it, you and Stark would make cute babies," She said then walked out

"I don't like him like that!" I called then I looked at my phone

I'm picking you up from work

Why? I have my car

Don't ask questions I'm taking you somewhere.

"Happy are you asking me on a date?

Call it whatever you want I'll be there at 5

I rolled my eyes at his last message then I went back to work.

Happy parked his bike in front a cute two story blue house.

"Where are we?" I asked him handing him the helmet

"My ma's house." He said heading towards then stepped but I pulled him back

"Um it's a little early for this don't you think? We aren't even officially dating."

"You're my girl and I want you to meet my ma. I'm not playing games I know what I want and if you can't handle that then take your ass back to Charming."

"First of all don't talk to me like that, and you didn't think it would be a good idea to give me a little warning! I'm still wearing my work clothes for god sakes."

"You look fine now are you coming in or not? Because I'm hungry." He said and I nodded because I really didn't have a choice, we were all the way in Bakersfield. We walked in the house

"Ma!" He called and small Mexican women came rushing out of the kitchen and into his arms I could help but smile as they hugged

"Ma, I got someone I want you to me this is Gianna, Gianna this is my mom Maria."

"Oh your so pretty!" She said hugging me

"Thank you,"

"Welcome to my home, oh it's such a mess if he has told me you were coming I've would've straightened up a little more

"The house is fine ma." He said to her

"Hush, I hope your hungry."

"Starving." I said with a smile she was so sweet, whatever irritation I had with Happy went away.

Maria had cook enough food for an army but it was so good I ate until I was stuffed. I also learned a lot about Happy his dad died when he was 10, and from then on it was just the two of them. I get the hint that he wasn't the nicest man from the tense tone in Happy's voice. He patched into the sons at 18 and whatever money he made he sent it to pay all of her bills.

"So Gianna what do you do for a living?" She asked

"I do filing and I.T. work for the local construction company."


"I work with computers fixing them and things like that."

"That sounds exciting.'

"It's nothing special."

"Yes it is I barely know how to work that stupid mobile phone Happy bought me for my birthday. So pretty, smart, working, do you have any kids?" she asked and I froze


"Give me a break it's not like you bring girls home all the time." She said

"Um no, no kids."

'Do you want kids?" She asked and I choked on my wine

"Ma, stop!"

"I want some grandkids,"

"Someday I could see myself being a mom, but I think it's a little too early for Happy and I to be having this conversation." I said and she nodded with a smile

"I really like her Happy." She said smiling at me I smiled back maybe this would be a good thing



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