Return to Charming

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One Month Later

"No!" I said to Tony again



"Yes! I'm coming I'm not letting you go up to Charming alone, it too dangerous."

"I can handle myself and it's not like you have the time between being a superhero and the C.E.O of a billion dollar company."

"Why do you even want to go back there? You hate that place."

"Yes I do but my nephew is getting out of the hospital and I promised Jax I would be there for it."

"Then I'm coming with you."

"That's not a good idea."

"Why are you ashamed of me?" He asked crossing his arms

"Stop being dramatic, it's just things are different there in the way of the club. Ultimately they're loyal to Happy they're a family and I'm just a guest."

"That's stupid."

"I know but that club runs in their veins, and they will not accept us."

"I don't care if they accept me or not, I care about you being safe." He said and I walked over and kissed him

"I will promise, I'll only be gone a week Pepper is going to fill in." I told him then pecked his lips again

"Just a week?" I nodded then he kissed me again

"Are you going to miss me?" I asked against his lips and he pinched my butt in response

"What do you think?"

"Hmm why don't you give me something to remember you by?" I teased he pushed my suitcase onto the floor and picked me up pressing his lips to mine and laid me back on the bed


After I checked into my hotel I drove over to St. Thomas to see Abel who wasn't getting out until tomorrow. Once I got there I ran into Tara

"Hey, Gianna, when did you get back?" She asked

"Just got in I promised Jax I would be here when Abel got out to see him and help them settle into a routine. How is he doing?"

"He's been amazing he's up to 13 pounds he's abdomen is totally healed and he heart is looking good, of course he's going to need check ups he's a strong boy."

"He's a Teller."

"Definitely." She said with a smile

"Well I'm going to go see him, I've been dying to hold him."

"Of course if I'm not mistaken your just in time to feed him." She said and I smiled even more then I walked into the room. I looked into the crib to see him laying on his back wide awake kicking his little legs

"Oh my goodness." I said as I picked him up he fussed a little

"Aww shh it's ok, it's aunt Gigi." I said placing a kiss on his head I just loved to smell of babies, I pulled off his little hat to see his head full of blonde hair

"Gosh you are a clone of your daddy." I said sitting in the rocking chair

"Hi baby boy aunt Gigi missed you so much." I said kissing his head again

"You've gotten so big! Are you ready to go home?" he smiled up at me and I felt my heart melt he had my whole heart in his little baby hands. I sat there rocking and talking to him a nurse came in and gave me his bottle and I got to feed him for the first time. Once he was done I burping him when the door opened and in walked Gemma and..... Wendi?

"How did you get in here?" Gemma asked

"I walked." I said with an eye roll I heard Wendi giggle but got quiet when Gemma gave her a death stare

"I mean this room is for family."

"And I'm his aunt and his father gave me permission to be here grandma." I said and she sighed

"I thought you didn't want to be apart of this family anymore?" She said crossing her arm

"I just chose not to be apart of the cycle of abuse, I will always come if Jax calls." I said laying a now sleeping Abel back in the crib. Then I grabbed my purse

"Congratulations of finishing rehab." I said to Wendi

'Thank you." She said and I walked out, I promised Tony a drama free trip and that's what I was going to do

I met up with Jax at his house, he pulled me in for a big hug

Something is different about you," He said looking at me

"I grew my hair out some."

"No that's not it, I cant put my finger one it."

"Well let me know when you figure it out. How are you feeling dad?" I asked as we sat on the couch

"It's crazy he's coming home a heathy baby and I'm scared shitless." He said and I giggled

"Well I'm here for the rest of the week to get you guys settled,"

"Guess who mom found to be his nanny? Neeta."

"Shut up! I have to see her before I leave, make sure you invite her to the party." I said thinking of our old nanny

"I have and we don't have to have a party."

'Yes we do I've already ordered the cake from that cute little bakery in Lodi. I'm picking up all the party stuff tonight then I'll be over first thing in the morning to start setting up."

"You know you could just stay here." He said with a smirked

"Yeah right at the place where mom has a key?" I told him and he laughed

"By the way what's up with her being all buddy, buddy with Wendi?" I asked as he groaned

"That because she doesn't want me with Tara." He said and I smiled

"Are you and Tara back together!?"

"We're figuring out the fine details but yeah." He said and I hugged him

"Good, Tara is just what you need, I've always thought you guys belonged together but you know I'm going to ask where does Wendi fit into all of this?"

"Nowhere she's just passing through until she goes to her halfway house in a few days."

"And where is she staying?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"She wants to be close to Abel."

"Oh my God Jax, she wants to be closer to you and mom needs to stop she's going to make her relapse."

"she not doing anything to her."

"Please mom didn't like Wendi when she was sober and after all of this with Abel she hated her guts. What do you think they are really talking about? She making promises to her about you guys getting back together."

"We both know our mother is crazy look if I have to I'll talk to Wendi. Now let's talk about you."

"What about me?"

"Iron Man?"

"Oh God!" I said we laughed

"How the fuck did that happen?"

"Jesus is a long story." I said and he shrugged

"I'll order pizza." He offered and we sat together I told him all about Iron Man 

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