The Winston's

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Today was Donna's funeral and I still couldn't wrap my head around it, that sweet innocent women killed in the way she was it breaks my heart every time I think about it. I stayed an extra week to help Opie with the funeral and the kids, those poor babies. I tried to keep them busy but Ellie was so sad and once Kenny finally caught on to the fact that his mom wasn't coming back he's been acting out left and right. I sat on the couch in my hotel room just thinking, about life. I loved my brothers and wanted to stay to help them out more, but I also knew Charming wasn't good for me. My place was in Malibu, with Tony and our little family we had there.

"Are you ok?' Tony asked wrapping an arm around me from behind, I leaned back into his chest as he laid us back on the couch. He had to leave to go back to work but he made back last night to come to the funeral with me.

"No." I said honestly, and he kissed my cheek

"You can't make sense of something so senseless."

"Who said that?"

"Me." I felt him poke out his chest and I chuckled

"You will go down in the history books Mr. Stark."

"Was that ever up for debate?"

"Thank you for being here."

"I told you I would be so.."

"Even with all of your Avengers testing at the moment?"

"What testing?" He teased and I smiled we just sat there enjoying each others company until my phone rang I got up and answered it


"Hey, it's Wendi I don't want to bother you but-"

"It's fine is Abel ok?"

"He's fine it's just Jax didn't come home last night and he's not picking up his cell. We got to head out to the funeral realty soon."

"I'm sure he's fine maybe he stayed at the clubhouse, or.." I was going to say Tara's but I stopped myself

"Or Tara's." She mumbled

"I got to go." She said then hung up

"What was that?"

"Wendi freaking out about Jax, I really hope that idiot didn't sleep with!" I shook my head and Tony got up and kissed me

"You got your own stuff to worry about today, don't focus on Jax, why don't I run you a bath?"

"As long as you get in with me."

"You naughty girl, we're on a time frame,"

"Like that ever stopped you." I said leading him into the bathroom

I sat in between Kayla and Tara only half listening as the paster spoke I couldn't take my eyes of the box. Tony place his hand on my shoulder. I place my hand on his, I felt eyes on me. I looked across the casket to see my mother perused lips and cold stare as Tony's hand on my shoulder. Our stare off broke when I noticed Tara get up, I followed her steps to see a dirty and bleeding Jax. She helped him into his cut and pressed a long kiss to his lips then he stared down Clay as he walked over to the casket and placed a flower on top. Then he walked off in the direction of Thomas's grave, then I look over at my mom and Clay who both looked angry. The service finished and everyone started to head over to the clubhouse for the repass. I went to look for Jax but he was gone,

"What was that about?" Tony asked once we got in his car

"I have no idea, but I can't wait to get home." I said feeling a headache forming at the thought of what was going on in the club that Jax had to put on that show

"Your mom and stepdad know whatever it is, they looked worried."

"I bet they do, they are the king and queen of secrets. "

"when do you want to leave?" He asked

"Tomorrow I have to say goodbye Abel and the kids." I said and he nodded taking my hand in his

Once we made it to the clubhouse I greeted a few guys from some other charters that came in. Then we took a seat off in the corner, no sooner than they arrived Kenny and Ellie came and sat with us

"Are you guys ok?" I asked and they shrugged

"Are you guys hungry?" I asked and they nodded

"Come on I'll help you. Did you want something honey?" I asked Tony and he shook his head. I led Kenny and Ellie over to the food once I helped them make their plates I sat them at our table then I went to get them something to drink

"You have a lot of nerve bringing him here." I sighed and looked at Melissa, I hoped I could get away with not speaking to anyone from Tacoma.

"Melissa when did you get here?" I rolled my eyes

"You're just going to disrespect your old man in his home?"

"And my brother, the V.P. ok him being here and Happy is not my old man anymore. You should go pay your respects to Opie and kids stop worrying about me." I said then walked away from her.

"Everything ok?" Tony asked and I looked at the Tacoma group who were watching and I nodded

"Aunt Gigi are you staying here?" Ellie asked and I gave her a small smile

"No, sweetie I'm sorry but I don't live here anymore, and I have my own house and job I have to get back to." I said

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow." I said and she sighed

"But listen I'm going to make sure you both have my number and you can call me whenever if you need anything or if you just want to talk I'll be there." I said and she gave me a smile

"Did you guys want to go swimming?" Tony asked them and I looked at him as they nodded eagerly

"Aunt Gigi going to talk to your dad so you guys come swim at the hotel, it a huge pool, with a slide, it's really cool."

'Yeah, then we can watch some movies order junk food."

"I'm going to ask him now!" Kenny jumped up and Ellie followed I looked at Tony with a smile

"You are amazing."

"Kids need to distracted right?"

"That's what they could use right now, I'm going to call Jax I want to pick up Abel too." I said and he frowned

"The baby?" He asked and I laughed


"Who wears diapers, and cries all the time?"

"It will be fine he doesn't cry all the time and I'll take care of him." I said and he looked nervous

"Is Iron Man afraid of babies?"

"I've never been around them, or kids for that matter what the hell was I thinking?" He said and I kissed him cheek

"You were being sweet uncle Tony." I laughed at the look on his face

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