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I stood in the back as Tony took the podium, Obadiah was glued to his side whispering in his ear, but it didn't look like Tony was listening

"Ms. Teller can I have a word?" I heard my name called and I turned to see a man in a black suit standing next to me

"I'm not apart of the press conference, you will get all comments from Mr. Stark once it begins."

"I'm not a reporter, I am Agent Phil Coulson with the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistic Division." He said handing me a card

"Wow that's a mouth full." I said looking at the card

"I know we're working on it."

"We've already debriefed the F.B.I, the C.I.A, and the D.O.D."

"We're a separate branch, with a more specific focus, and we would like to debrief Mr. Stark about the details of his escape as soon as possible."

"I'll put something on the books." I said putting the card in my pocket

"Thank you." He said then walked away

"Ok let's get this started." Obadiah said into the mic then he motioned to Tony, who was sitting on the floor in front of the podium. I knew he should've gone to the hospital I started to walk over when he started talking

"Can everyone just sit down please?" He said then pulled his burger out of his pocket and started eating as everyone sat on the floor. I looked around and sighed then sat down

"What's up with the sit-in?' I looked up to see Rhodey as he sat next to me

"I don't know I think he doesn't have the strength to stand."

"What could be more important than going to the hospital?" He said and I shook my head

"Or at least go home and rest and we could have doctor come out, but he insisted."

"Did he show you the thing?"

"What thing?" I asked looking at him, but he just zipped his lips

"No Rhodey what thing?" I asked again then Tony started talking

"You know I never got to say goodbye to my father. There's so many questions I would've asked him, like how he felt about what this company did. I'd ask if he was conflicted or if he ever had doubts." He paused as we made eye contact then he kept going

"I saw some horrible things while I was over there, I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to protect them. I saw that I become a part of a system that holds no accountability."

"Mr. Stark what happened over there?" one reporter asked

"I had my eyes opened, and I realized that I have more to offer the world than just making things that blow-up...... So that is why effective immediately I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark Industries."

The room erupted at that announcement, Rhodey and I shared a look in shock. Tony kept going as everyone talked over him Obadiah said something in his ear, but Tony gently pushed him away and walked off the podium I watched as he walked towards me

"Come on. "He said and I looked at Rhodey and we got up and followed him out leaving Obadiah to deal with the press we got into the car

"What the hell was that Tony?" I asked

"Happy drive us to another lot." He told him and he did

"It was the right thing to do." He said and I shook my head

"I'm not arguing that, but they are going to call you crazy. You should've let us take you to the hospital before this so we could debunk that."

"She's right Tony and a little heads up with us would've been nice." Rhodey added

"Weapons is 50% of your company! What about your employees?" I said

"Gianna." He said but I kept going

"You can't just let them go like that that going to be a lot of lawsuits!"

"Gianna!" He snapped I looked at him and froze

I was too busy going off, I didn't see him unbutton his shirt I was now staring at a glowing hole in his chest

"Oh my God! Is that the thing?" I said looking at Rhodey who nodded, and I slapped his arm

"You don't keep these types of secrets from me!" I said moving to sit next to Tony and get a closer look

"Is that an arc-reactor? Tony!"

"Gianna please calm down." He said taking my hand I calmed down a little

"How did this happen?" I asked reached over to touch it, but I stopped myself. Tony grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest

"Our convoy was attacked by a terrorist group using Stark missiles. I was standing too close to the truck and I got hit with a piece of shrapnel in my heart, this is keeping me alive.

"Are you in any pain?" I asked looking at him


"Are you planning on getting it removed?"





"Because we're going to perfect the arc-reactor technology. That's what were going to replace weapons with clean energy.' He said

"How did they even get your weapons?"

"Black market." Rhodey said

"I'm working on finding out exactly where they came from and cut that pipeline." Rhodey said

"Good I'm not backing down from this I'm not crazy, at this moment you three are the only people I trust."

"We got your back Tony." 


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