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"She's doing what!?" I snapped into the phone

"Gigi-" Jax started but I cut him off

"Don't 'Gigi' me Jax! How can she do this? It's barely been a year since dad died." I said sitting in a near by chair

"She's happy."

"And I want her to be happy Jax but Clay? There are plenty of other men in world, when did this even start?!"

"I'm not sure."

"Bullshit Jax I told you before I left they were getting too close." I said

"Their adults."

"So that rule doesn't apply to anybody else but them huh?" I said

I still haven't spoken to my mom since I left I would text her from time to time and she would send back one word answers but she never answered my calls. Now Jax is telling me that she and Clay are getting married.

"When is the wedding?"

"This weekend."

"So she doesn't want me there?" I asked feeling sad, I knew she was upset but I didn't think she would ever just cut me out of her life like this.

"No, she knows you're busy."

"I'm still her daughter! She could've called. I at least deserve that much."

"Look I'm not saying she's handling it well but-"

"There's no but's Jax!"

"Look I'll talk to her."

"Don't bother, I got to get back to work, I'll talk to you later."

"I love you." He said and I just hung up, then I wiped my eyes I don't know why I still let her effect my life like this

"You ready for the next test run?" Mr. Stark asked poking his head in the break room

"Yeah, I'll be right out." I said not looking at him because I didn't want him to see me cry

"Are you ok?' He asked

"I'm fine Mr. Stark." I said looking at him and he looked at me

"Ok so come on and for the last time call me Tony." He said and I nodded and I followed him out into the lab where we were working on a new missile

"Are you sure you're ok, because I don't want to die because you placed a wire in the wrong spot." He said and I giggled

"Yeah I'm ok."

We got back to work, until it was finished. He was doing a final demonstration tomorrow, I had class so I wasn't going to be able to be there

"Dinner's served." Happy said as he brought in burger king and we sat down to eat

"You must have a lot of enemies in this line of work." I said to him

"Of course, my bank account alone puts a target on my back."

"How do you deal with the backlash?"

"I think about the good I do, I run many charities always donating and giving back but some how the evil weapons I make are always the topic of conversation."

"Have you worked on the clean energy project since we last talked about it?" I asked and he shrugged

"I looked it over again but it would cost me too much money to officially get it up and running."

"But you would make all that back,"

"Not in this climate."

"I think it's the perfect climate, we're deep into the global warming you could change the future."

"I already do, with what I do here."

"Isn't taking risks apart of the game? I mean your dad proved that it works and its factually proven you're smarter than your dad was no offence."

"None taken I love a good complement like that one." He teased and I rolled my eyes

"I'm serious the tech is there, it just needs a stabilizer."

"And you think I can do it?" He said and I nodded and then he looked at me

"I think you can do it." He said and I froze


"I'm putting you in charge of this, find me a stabilizer, I'm headed back to California soon but you keep this lab and the resources of Stark Industries and build me a stabilizer prototype. On one condition."

"My grades are perfect, I'm actually ahead in most classes."

"Not that, why were you crying earlier?' He asked

"Do you really want to know?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know." I sighed

"My mom is getting re-married.... To my dad's best friend." I said


"Yeah and it's not even that what hurts the most is that she didn't call me and tell me. I had to hear it from my brother."

"Maybe she's trying not to hurt you."

"I don't know what she's doing, she never wanted me to come here, she always wanted me to stay under her thumb. She wanted me to go to community college and work at the family garage."

"Does she not understand you have a gift? That's why we're called gifted people."

"She's all about the family propaganda, I just expect her to break and call but I'm about ready to give up."

"Don't give up." He said and I looked at him

"I gave up on my dad, we just never connected then he died , and I've been living with that guilt ever since. They try to understand us but they can't because we're so different." He said and I nodded then I looked at him in his warm chocolate eyes and smiled at him as he glanced down at my lips

"Are you 18 yet?" He asked and I laughed

"No six more months."

"Well I should go before I get into trouble." He said and I stood up and we threw our trash away

"So I'll see you next time?" I said and he nodded

"Thanks for listening." I told him then I kissed his cheek and I walked out.

As she left Tony stood there grinning like an idiot

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