Happy Birthday

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I walked into Tony's house and spotted a blonde dressed in Tony's shirt, looking around. Seeing her in that shirt I felt that anger again but I pushed it away. I was about to speak up as she tried to open the door to his lab.

"You do not have access to this area." J.A.R.V.I.S announced and she jumped I held back a laugh


"That's J.A.R.V.I.S he runs the house." I said and she turned to face me

"I have your clothes here, they have been dry cleaned and there is a car out front waiting to take you wherever you want to go." I said holding out her clothes

"You must be the famous Gianna Teller." She said with a smirk then took the clothes

"Yes I am."

"Hmm after all this time Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning." She said with a fake smile

"I do anything and everything Mr. Stark requires, including occasionally taking out the trash." I said with a fake smile of my own

"So will that be all?"

She rolled her eyes and went to changed I made sure she left without opening any other doors because she was clearly nosy. After the left I typed in the code to the lab and went downstairs because he was already late. He was working on a engine, while AC/DC was blasting, I turned the music off

"Please don't touch my music."

"You're supposed to be on a plane right now in case you forgot. How you even showered today?"

"For your information yes I have, how did Ms. Brown take it?" He asked and I rolled my eyes

"Like a champ, you need to get dressed."

"Why are you rushing me out of here?"

"You're flight was supposed to leave an hour and a half ago, Rhodey is going to be pissed."

"He'll live besides the best part of having your own plane is that it leaves when you want it to."

"Fine but since you're still here we have a few things to go over." I said and he just changed tools

"Larry called he has another buyer for the painting."

"Which one again?'

"The Jackson Pollock."

"Is it a good representation of his spring period?" He sais and I gave him a look

"The spring is where he lived, not the season."

"What do you think?"

"It's overpriced."

"Buy it I need it."

"Ok, now the M.I.T commencement speech."

"Is in June."

"They need a confirmation, they won't stop calling me."

"Why is it always me?'

"I'll just tell them yes." I said

"You went there you could do the speech."

"But I'm not Tony Stark. Now I need a signature from you, then you need to get to the airport." I said walking over to him

"Why are you trying to get rid me? You got plans?" He asked looking at me

"Actually I do."

"I don't like when you have plans."

"I'm allowed to have plans for my birthday."

"It's your birthday already? That came fast."

"I know the same day every year it's crazy right."

"Get yourself something nice from me."

"I already have, and it's very nice."

"So you're not even going to thank me?"

"Thank you Mr. Stark." I said with a small smile

"You're welcome Ms. Teller." He said with a small smile of his own and I felt my face turning red, then my phone started buzzing I looked away

"It's Rhodey, come you really need to go." I said pushing him towards the steps

"He's fine."

"You need some sun, sun is good." I said as we walked upstairs

"Your bags are by the door and I had Happy bring the porsche around so you guys can race."

"Aw you know me so well."

"I know."

"You sure you don't want to come? Make it a birthday trip?"

"No I have plans and going into an active warzone is not my idea of a fun birthday."

"I'll bring you back a rock." He said then walked upstairs

He actually didn't leave for another hour as he walked up to the Happy came and got the bags but first he handed me two envelopes

"Happy birthday sweetheart." He said then kissed my cheek

"Thank you Happy."

He grabbed the bags and they sped off. after the left I got in my car and opened the envelope, it was a card from Happy and Pepper with a gift card to my favorite book store. I smiled then I opened the other it was from Tony it had an all access pass to one of the best spa's in Malibu

I know I'm a handful so try to relax while I'm gone


P.S. Enjoy the moment

I smiled and held the card to my chest it was one of the sweetest and best gifts I've ever gotten. I was pulled out of my bliss by my phone ringing, I looked at it, Jax was calling


"G I need you."

"What happened? Is everyone ok?"

"Wendi, she od'd."

"Oh my God and the baby?"

"He's ten weeks early and they don't think he's going to make it."

"I'm on my way." I said without hesitation 

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