Worth it?

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Two Months Later

I had just got home from work, I picked up a job working at Oswald's construction. Nothing too special, electronic filing and fixing the computer systems when needed. I went to my room to changed out of my work clothes when my phone rang. it was Tony again I had been avoiding him since I decided to defer on Cal Tech. I knew he would be upset but I couldn't leave right now but I also knew he wouldn't stop so I answered

"Hey." I said

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean." I said

"Don't play stupid I talked to Dr. Hargis and you're deferring on the program. What the hell Gianna?!"

"Tony I can't just leave right now."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because things between my mom and I are finally getting to a good place, and I don't want to mess that up."

"Gianna, I've told you more than once you are special, and I'm so sorry that your mom can't see that but you're letting her win right now by giving in."

"Maybe I'm just tired of fighting with the only parent I have left, 'don't stop trying remember?' you told me that."

"Not at the risk of what's best for you! You're sacrificing yourself and the thing you love most in the world."

"If I'm so special what difference will a year make?" I asked him

"My involvement, and your job."


"I can't stand by and watch you do this to yourself, so I'm sorry but we're done unless you get on a plane and come down here."

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can and I will."

"The reactor project is my dream,"

"Then act like it." He said then hung up

I felt like crying was he can't do this to me can he? Of course he could every resource I used toward this project was provided by him. I looked at my phone and pulled up flights to LAX, I found one that left in a couple of hours. I could make it if I packed now, but I only got as far as opening my suitcase

"What are you doing?" I jumped and turned to see Happy staring at my suitcase with a dark look on his face. We've flirted a little bit when he came to town, but nothing more came of that kiss we shared

"How did you get in here?" I asked

"You going somewhere?"

"I don'-..... I don't know." I said and he walked over to me and he kissed me again he pushed me back onto the bed, he pushed the suitcase to the floor

"You aint going nowhere little girl." He said then kissed me again then picked me up and laid me back on the bed, he pushed his tonuge into my mouth causing me to moan. He pulled off my shirt and grabbed my breast, I pushed him back


"I've never done this before," I said and he took a step back

"For real?"

"Yeah." I said not looking at him

"Are all the guys in Massachusetts gay?"

"No I've dated a little here and there but my main focus was school. Plus I graduated early so when I got there I was jail bait." I said feeling my face turn red he grabbed my face and kissed me

"Come on I told Gemma I would bring you to the party, so get dressed."

"You won't tell her about this will you?"

"Are you still leaving?" He asked and I shook my head

"Then I won't."

"Thank you." I said then he walked out and I got dressed for the party. I looked myself in the mirror I looked like my mom, like an old lady, and I really didn't know how to feel about it but I wanted my family I didn't want to feel alone again like I have over the past four years.

When Happy and I arrived at the clubhouse the party was in full swing, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked inside, he led me over to the pool table where Tig and Chibs were arguing about a trick shot

"Hey girl." My friend Rachel, a club hang around said coming to get me a hug

"Get us some beers." Happy told her and she nodded

"I'll come with you." I said pulling away from Happy and I walked over to the bar with her but my mom grabbed me and pulled me away

"Let her get them, they need to do that."

"Do what?"

"Show respect, so you and Happy?"

"You told him to come pick me up." I said and she smirked

"I ain't never seen him like that with anyone." She said looking over at the pool table I looked over and saw Happy watching me like a hawk

"Nothing is going on."

"For now but you have my blessing, he's a good man he'll take care of you."

"I don't need to be taken care of, I need someone who's willing to work with me."

"Honey you know that's not how these men operate, they need to be in control remember that." She said as Rachel brought me a beer and one for my mom then she headed over to the pool table with a beer for Happy

I looked at my mom and she tapped her bottle against mine and I went and took a seat at the bar, was this really worth giving up all of my dreams?

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