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I was in the hospital and they were checking on the baby,

"I'm sorry but there's no heartbeat." The doctor said and I nodded numbly

"We're going to admit you, and give you medication to go through the process of an abortion and I want to keep an eye on that concussion as well." She said but I didn't respond, then there was a knock at the door, and the nurse poked her head in

"Chief Unser and deputy Hale are waiting to speak with you." She said and the doctor looked at me

"I don't think she's feeling up to it right now."

"No it's fine." I said softly and she nodded then they walked out and in walked Unser and Hale

"I don't really want to talk to you Wayne." I said and he frowned

"We just have to get a statement on what happened."

"So you can report back to Gemma? No thanks."

"The waiting room is full of people waiting to see if your ok,"

"No, they want to see if I'm going to talk to you guys. Tell them don't worry about it I won't be pressing charges I just want to be left alone. I don't want to see them, the only person I'm allowing back here is my emergency contact." I said

"Kayla is right outside the door." David said softly

"Please just get out." I said and they nodded then walked out. I heard the door shut and I closed my eyes then I heard the door open again

"Oh honey, are you ok?" Kayla asked coming to my side

"I lost the baby."

"Oh my god." She said taking my hand

"What happened?"

"I caught him in bed with Rachel, how could she do that to me?" I said trying not to cry they didn't deserve my tears

"Because she's a whore, don't worry she will get hers when you lay down with dogs you get fleas."

"I have to get out of here." I said seriously I wasn't going to die here I couldn't

"And you will, you know I will help you."

"He has my passport and my money." I said thinking about the bag I left at the house

"I'll buy you a ticket, to wherever you want to go." She said and I looked at the muted TV and I saw the answer to my problem

"Can I see your phone?" I asked her and she pulled it out of her pocket and handed it to me and I dialed the one number I've always had memorized, I just hoped he hadn't changed it

"Who is this and how did you get this number?" Tony said through the phone and I felt my body relax at the sound of his voice

"Tony it's me."

"Hmm, I don't think I know anyone named me you have to more specific." He teased

"Tony." I said and he got quiet

"What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"No," I said as I finally started crying

"Gianna what happened?"

"I need your help I need to get out of here."

"Are you still in Seattle?"

"No, I'm in Charming,"

"Are you in any immediate danger right now?"

"No, not anymore."

"Ok, right now as we were talking I'm booking a room at the Holiday Inn at the Stockton airport. I want you to go there can you make it there?"

"Yeah I think so."

"Alright get there and wait I'll be there in 2 hours. I'm going to send the reservation to this phone, text me and let me know you got it and when you get there."

"Thank you Tony." I said

"Anytime." He said and we hung up

"What's happening?" She asked

"He coming he booked a room by the airport and he's going to meet me there."

"And I'm taking you." She said as she started typing on her phone

"Who are you texting?"



"Hey trust me, there's a waiting room full of bikers out there looking for any sign of you. He's going to get us out of the back, he wont tell Unser I promise." She said and I nodded then I slowly got up and put my jeans back on she gave me her hoodie I left the gown on as a shirt because mine was covered in blood. Once I was dressed there was a knock on the door,

"Who is it?' Kayla said

"It's me." David's voice came through the door


I paced the waiting room, I just wanted to see my daughter I couldn't help but glare at Happy. This was all his fault, I couldn't believe he was putting hands on her. I can't get the look in her eyes out my mind. My sweet beautiful Gianna, she was broken I could tell.

"Gem come sit down hon." Clay said and I shook my head

"Why won't they tell us anything? We're her family, I should be back there with her!" I said and Unser walked in and I walked over and everyone stood up

"How is she? I can I see her?"

"She's hurt and she doesn't want to see anyone but her emergency contact."

"Who the fuck is that?" Happy asked him

"Kayla Daniels."

"Why would she put her down?" I snapped

"I don't know, they docs aren't going to talk to you because she's telling them not to."

"But you've talked to the doctor, what's the damage?" Clay asked Unser sighed then he look at Happy

"Mild concussion, cracked rib, busted nose but not broken, did you know she was pregnant?" He said and we all looked at each other no one knew

"Fuck this what room is she in?" Happy snapped

"I can't tell you." He said and Happy stepped in his face

"She was?" Jax spoke up

"Yeah no heartbeat, they're getting ready to give her the pill." He said and Happy turned to head towards the room but that bitch Margaret Murphy stepped into the room

"I am sorry to inform you but Ms. Teller has left the hospital, we can't find her." She said

"WHAT!?" The waiting room exploded

"How could you let this happen?' I snapped

"I assure you if we knew we would not have let her leave in her condition."

"How long has she been gone?" Happy asked

"15 minutes give or take."

"Juice get a trace on her phone, everyone else turn the town over start at Kayla's house." Clay said

"That's way too obvious, they wouldn't go there." Jax said

"We got to check, so let's get on it." He said and I felt like I was going to be sick


"We'll find her baby."

"I just want to know that she's ok." I said and he wrapped his arms around me

"She is I'm sure." I never had many regrets in life, but I couldn't help but blame myself for this just a little 

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