No way out

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Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence



I pushed the croweater out of my bed after she tried to cuddle

"Get the fuck out of here!" I snapped and she quickly picked her clothes up and left the room. I got out the bed and pulled on my jeans and lit a cigarette, and pulled out my phone, a bunch of missed calls from Gianna. I tossed it back on the bed I didn't feel like dealing with her bullshit right now. There was knock on my door then Quinn walked in with a frown on his face

"What?' I asked him

"We got a problem brother it's your old lady."

"What about her?"

"She's going take off."

"No she's not, she's not that fucking stupid." I said puffing my cigarette

"Missy said she told her about some other guy, she met at work." He said and I frowned as I thought about her smiling at that Stark asshole . if she thought she was leaving me for him she had another fucking thing coming

"You up for a ride?"

"You know it, but what about your mom?'

"I'll be back when I'm done with this bitch." I said pulling on the rest of my clothes

"Call Lee, tell him to put some eyes on my house, if she goes anywhere I want to know."


We walked into the main area of the clubhouse

"Hey you guys leaving already?' Clay asked as we passed him and Gemma at the bar

"We got some shit to go handle real quick but we'll be back." Quinn told him and he nodded

"Call if you need bodies."

"I think we're good Killa is all we need." He said as I was walking out of the clubhouse



"Are you sure David is cool with me leaving my stuff at your place?" I asked Kayla through the phone

"It's no problem, you know that."

"Thanks." I said zipping up my suitcase, then I grabbed my carry on and started putting stuff in there. I've had enough I'm leaving. I already booked my flight to New York, I was going to drive down to Charming and leave my car to throw him off, and catch a plane from Lodi. I was going to call Tony once I got there I missed this opportunity once I wasn't doing it again

"Where's the asshole?" She asked

"Hopefully still in Bakersfield,"

"Guess again." I heard his voice and I jumped, I turned around and saw him blocking the doorway, and that dark look was in his eyes again. I felt my body fill with fear

"Gigi you still there?"

"Hang up the phone!" He growled

"Is that him? Gigi?" She asked but before I could respond he snatched the phone out my hand, and slammed it on the ground, then stomped on it for good measure.

"You going somewhere?" He asked stepping towards me but I took a step back


"ANSWER ME!" He yelled

"I can't do this anymore, Happy."

"You think it's that easy? You think I'm going to just let you leave?" He said getting my face

"I'm an adult, Happy. That was Kayla on the phone she knows I'm leaving so if something happens-" Before I could finish I felt the stinging on my cheek, he slapped me

"You threating me?" He grabbed my shirt and ripped it

"You see that?!" He said pointing to my crow

"That means your mine, and it's only one way out of this and that don't involve you walking away." He said slamming me into the dresser, I felt the corner stab me in the back, so I pushed him but it didn't do anything but making him angry and he punched me back I felt the room spin but before I could hit the floor he shoved me to the ground.

Then he rained the blows down in a mix of punches and kicks the only thing I could do is curl up into a ball until it was over then he bent down in front of me

"You're not going anywhere, you hear me?' He asked then kicked my side so hard I felt my rib crack

"Answer me! "

"I'm not leaving!" I cried out hoping he would just stop, at this point I wanted him to stop

"That's what I thought." He said then he walked out

I just laid there and cried until I passed out

"Get up!" I slowly opened my eyes to see Happy glaring down at me I tried to sit up but I felt a shooting pain all over

"Clean up, then finish packing your shit and pack mine too I'm going Nomad so we're moving to Charming so I can keep an eye on you." He said and I sat there taking in what he said


"I'm not fucking repeating myself, get your ass up and get ready."

"But-" He lunged and I flinched back

"Just do what the fuck your told!" He snapped and grabbed my arm pulling me to my feet and shoved me towards the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror I looked like a monster, my lip was busted my right eye was black I had a lump forming on my forehead. I this can't be my life how did I get here? 

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