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I pulled into the St. Thomas parking lot and eyed the line of bikes. I locked my rental and walked inside I got the information from receptionist and I walked up to the N.I.C.U waiting area. I walked in and eyes were on me, the room was filled with bikers, but I couldn't help but notice Rachel sitting next to Gemma

"G." Opie spoke up causing Gemma to look up

"Hey Opie." I said giving him a hug

"What are you doing here?"

"Jax called me and asked me to come. Where is he?"

"I just got here, they told me he went after the guy who sold Wendi the drugs."

"Jesus how's the baby?"

"It's a boy his name is Abel, he's not doing good.'

"What does that mean?"

"That means he has a long road ahead." Gemma said walking over and I looked at her

"Give us a minute Opie." She told him and he looked at me and I nodded he went to sit back down

"Look I didn't come to cause problems, I'm just here for a few days then I'll be gone."

"You think that won't cause problems? Your old man is on his way here as we speak."

"He's not my old man, and I'm here for my brother and nephew. Don't worry I'll stay out of the way." I said then I went and took a seat in the corner, I knew that wasn't the end of it I could feel eyes on me I looked up and saw Clay giving me a dirty look. I just pulled out my tablet to keep myself busy. To my surprise Tara came from the back and told Gemma she could see the baby then she led her back there, I caught eyes with Rachel I looked away

"G." I looked up to see Jax walking in followed by Chibs and Bobby

"Hey." I got up and pulled him into a hug

"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded

"Are you ok?"

"I will be."

"Jax did you start some shit?" Clay asked walking over and he shook his head

"It's one of Darby's guys they wouldn't dare. Clay can you give a minute?" He said to him and he looked at me

"Alright we're headed back to the clubhouse, I think the Nomads should be here soon." He said and I rolled my eyes after they left Jax looked at me

"I'm sorry about this, I forgot Happy was coming in."

"It doesn't matter I'm not here for him. I got everything figured out I'm staying at a hotel in Lodi and I'll be gone in a few days."

"You can stay as long as you want and you don't have to stay at a hotel,"

"You want me at the clubhouse? Or Gemma and Clay's? Do you even know what state your house is in?"

"G- "

"I'm fine Jax I can take care of myself."

"I know." He said smiling

"So, when did Tara get back?" I asked him with a smile

"I'm not sure but she's helping Dr. Namid take care of Abel so it's a good thing."

"Have you seen him?" I asked


"Why not?"

"Because.... Look I got to head back to the clubhouse." He said changing the subject

"Jackson." I said giving him a look

"I'll be back later." He said then kissed my head and left. I walked into the N.I.C.U where Tara and my mom was

"Hey." I said to her and she smiled at me

"Hey." She said and I walked over to the incubator, and I felt a little tug at my heart as I looked at the little baby inside, he was hooked up to all these tubes and wires

"He's so tiny, how is he?" I asked Tara

"He has a lot going on. He has a tear in his abdomen and CHD."

"The family flaw." I said

"Yeah it's genetic,"

"What's the plan from here?" Gemma asked

"Tomorrow morning we're going to go in and repair the abdomen, then Dr. Namid wants to wait and see how he handles it then he's going to go back in and fix his heart." She said and I kneeled down beside the incubator

"Alright big boy, you hang in there tough guy I know you can pull through this, Aunt Gigi loves you. I'll be back tomorrow for your surgery." I said then placed a kiss on the incubator

"Thank you for taking care of him Tara." I said and Gemma scoffed. I grabbed my purse and walked out

"Gianna wait." I heard my mom called I sighed and stopped


"Are you ok?" She asked and I looked in her eyes and I think she meant it

"I'm fine, look I meant what I said I'm not here to cause problems I'll be gone in a few days." I said but she stopped me, and I looked at her


"Just don't." I said then I walked out the hospital

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