Stop dreaming it's over

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I was at the clubhouse bar drinking my troubles away as I kept rereading the agreement, I was to sign with Stark Industries relinquishing all ownership parts of the Arc-Reactor. I tried calling Tony earlier, but he didn't answer, this is the first time we've ever had a fight like this. Of course, we argued from time to time but those were playful. He was pissed at me, I thought about our last videocall I could see the frustration on his handsome face, but I wasn't giving in. I tossed back another shot then I pushed the glass towards Rachel who was bartending tonight

"Who killed your puppy?"

"Just a work thing, a really long story that I don't feel like talking about right now. Can I get another shot?"

"That's your fourth one."

"Yep." I said looking at my phone. She filled up my glass and I drunk it, then I had the courage I needed I walked back to the dorms and I pressed call

This the voicemail box of Tony Stark leaves it at the beep

"So, your too good to answer my calls now? Let me tell you something this generator is my baby, and how dare you try to take it away, because for once in your lonely miserable life you can't get your way! You are the most frustrating man I've ever met! I really don't get you and another thing- "I was cut off by the beep, I was going to call again when the door opened

"Give me a second." I said then I turned and Happy was standing there

"What's the matter with you?" He asked


"The sweetbutt at the bar said you were upset about something." He said and I looked into his dark brown eyes same color as Tony's but none of the warmth. I needed to get that frustrating asshole my out of my mind, so I pressed my lips to Happy's, and he quickly responded pulling me close to his body, he pulled away and reached back and locked the door

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, and I just kissed him again and he picked me up and carried me to the bed...

I woke up feeling hungover, my head was pounding, and I felt like I had to vomit, I rolled over and I felt sore between my legs. It was like a shock I quickly set up and I looked around the room. I felt a sting of disappointment, last night was not how I was planning to lose my virginity.

'What the hell was I thinking?' I pinched then bridge of my nose

I looked around the room and Happy's clothes where gone. I got up and put on my clothes from last night then I walked out to the bar area

"Hey Gigi, do you want some coffee?" Juice asked from behind the bar

"No, I'm about to leave, um is Happy around?'

"No, he and the rest of the Tacoma guys took off back north, they left about an hour ago." He said I felt my heart sink into my stomach. He got what he wanted and left, and I just gave it up.

"Thanks Juice I'll see you later." I told him then I drove back to my mom's house. I walked in her and Clay were sitting at the table eating breakfast

"Well look what the cat drug in." She said and I sighed

"No offense mom I'm really not in the mood." I walked into my room to shower and change. I was fixing my make up for work when she came in

"I made you plate."

"I'm not hungry, and I'm running late." I said, she walked over and put her hands on my shoulders

"What's wrong baby girl?" She asked softly and I felt my eyes well up

"I slept with Happy last night, and when I woke up this morning, he was gone back to Tacoma no note, nothing. Like it meant nothing, like I was nothing."

"Well he's not the most articulate guy."

"He could've woken me up, especially since it was my first time." I said and she hugged me

"Oh baby."

"It's just not what I thought it would be daddy told me it was for someone very special."

"Your dad loved to tell you fairytales, but things like this are just what they are. The club comes first and that's just the way it is. Things like sex they can get that anywhere, that's where you put your foot down. Give him the ground rules about road pussy and move on it's not worth the fight."

"So, you're saying I shouldn't want more than that? Is it really too much to ask for a man to be there the morning after? Or to not cheat?"

"Yes! in this life yes! You got the man you like, you wear his crow you put up with his shit because he takes care of you, and you do your part in taking care of him."

"I don't want to be taken care of I want consistency."

"And I want you to grow up." She said then walked out looked at her then I rolled my eyes,

Two Weeks Later

I still haven't spoken to Happy since the night we slept together, he tried to call a few times, but I didn't want to hear his bullshit. I reached out to Tony a few times, but I got no answer, so it's fair to stay I was feeling shitty

I was sitting at my desk, just doing some sketching I was totally board

"That looks good." I looked up to see David Hale

"Hey, Kayla at a site with Elliot." I told him and he nodded

"I know I told her I would drop off her lunch. How are you? I haven't been able to talk to you since you've been back." He said

"I'm good, enjoying the high-tech world of Oswald's." I tease and he laughed

"We're not exactly the tech capital of the world."

"Yep and my family is to blame for that."

"Well honestly I don't disagree with that, it's what makes this town special the old town charm."

"Yeah but I don't really think it's for everyone." I said and he looked at me

"So why are you staying?' He asked and I raised an eyebrow

"I didn't mean it like that Kayla told me about your master's program."

"Um well that's a long story. "

"What the fuck is going on here?" I looked up to see Happy walking over

"We're talking did you need something?" I asked looking him in the eye

"We need to talk." He said glaring at David

"I'm at work, I don't get off until five." I said looking at him I wasn't in the mood for a temper tantrum if anything I should be the one pissed.

The front door opened and in walked Eliot and Kayla,

"Is everything ok here?' Eliot asked looking in between the cop and the outlaw

"Fine, David came to bring Kayla lunch and Happy was just leaving." I said with a small smile he glared at me

"We're not done." He said then walked out

"Nothing against you Gianna, but I can't have him coming back here." Eliot said and I nodded

"I know I'm sorry it won't happen again."

"In her defense he just showed up, and she asked him to leave." David

"Are you ok?" Kayla asked and I nodded 

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